Reflection Two

For the language Awareness Activity I choice 15 different languages that were not familiar to me. Some of the languages I was aware of but have no knowledge of them for I do not know the language or know how to write in it at all. There are a couple languages that I had never heard of before which I was really surprised about because I thought I was aware of most languages. I found this really interesting and thought to myself how many other languages have I never heard of, like the ones that are not in google translate. Before doing this assignment I thought the word water would have some what of the same spelling because from what I know about the word water in other languages I have heard before water kind of sounds the same or at least have somewhat of the same sounds. After picking 15 different languages I can not see how different water is in each language. The only similarities I can see from the  15 languages is that many of the languages have either a “v” or an “u” in it. Along with in Bulgarian and Ukrainian spelling of water are very similar to one another. This is the same with Turkmen and Uzbek. I also noticed that with Western Frisian how they spell water is like wetter which was probably the closet version to the English way to spell water. This activity has really made me think more about languages and my language awareness. This also made me realize that I need to help develop my language awareness. By developing my language awareness this will help me developed my knowledge about language families and writing systems that will help myself as a future teacher. Examples of this would be having a student in your class who’s family speaks another language. Knowing your language families and different writing systems would help one know where to start with the student to help them learn English. In the chapter six of the textbook (Section 3 In the Classroom) it says that also all students “benefit from a curriculum that encourages or enables them to: value linguistic and cultural diversity, enrich their store of cultural knowledge, expand their world view and understand perspectives and experiences of people whose backgrounds is different from their own, and recognize and challenge situations involving bias and discrimination whenever and wherever they experience or witness such situations” (p.166). This also goes for teachers. By creating a more diverse classroom and understanding the language families and writing systems this makes the students from other cultures feel more welcome and more willing to open up to you and come to you when they need something. Which if I could be that person for s child I would feel truly honoured to receive that trust from someone. That is why it is so important to me that I continue developing my language awareness and why I see language awareness to be such an important topic.