Treaty Education
The purpose of teaching Treaty Ed is to educate students about their country’s history. Students need to learn the culture of the people who are Indigenous to the land they live on. It is also important to learn about how Inidgous peoples were treated and how they still are treated. This might not always be the most positive topic to teach children, but it is the truth and needs to be spoken so that change can happen. The main problem with the crisis that is happening and how we treat Indigenous peoples is because we are not educated about the topic. I hear a lot of time of “oh we do not have residential schools anymore, or the sixties scoop is not a thing anymore, so we are treating Indigenous people fairly”. However just because there are not these bigger in ones face symbols that are happening does not mean that Indigenous peoples are receiving that same respect and treatment as someone who comes from a white settler background. Along with Indigenous people are not receiving the proper resources to help to deal with the trauma from those events. As a result of not being educated, students do not know about what is happening around them, therefore nothing can be changed.
From watching this week’s videos along with reading this week’s reading “Cynthia Chamber’s We are all Treaty People. A phrase that got brought up a lot was “We are all treaty people”. How I understand this from the curriculum is that we all have a part in educating ourselves. We all live on treaty land in Canada so we need to be involved where we can. Unless we all join our hands together and learn about what is happening and create awareness then nothing will actually get done. With my own personal schooling experience a lot of what of Canada’s history that was taught was a very white biased history. I learned a point of view of the white settler always being the good guy. From my schooling it was not until I was older that I learnt how miseducated I was growing. Now is my time to educate myself and try to make a change anywhere I can.
resources :
- Cynthia Chamber’s We are all Treaty People.
- Dwayne Donald’s lecture (feel free to listen to it all 🙂 “On What Terms Can we Speak?”
- Claire Introduction (8 Minutes)
- Mike & Claire (47 minutes)