Hello there, I’m Emmalea or as my students call me Miss Harden. I am a teacher who is just about to begin her journey working in schools as a substitute teacher looking for a place to teach. In other words I am a first year teacher ready to spread her wings and fly!
I have recently applied for graduation from the education program at the University of Regina. I will take my walk across the stage in the spring. On top of all that I am in the process of beginning my Inclusive Education Certificate, as I am almost there with not many classes left to complete!
This blog was initially creating during my four year degree, as a school assignment. Although this assignment was a key piece of our degree because this “blog” or “teaching journal” was created for the purpose of us growing teachers to show, describe our plans, ideas, passions as growing educators. So now and still today, I consider this blog a safe space for me to share ideas, thoughts, passions I use in my day to day when teaching!
Early on in the beginning of this blog I said some words, those words over the years are still to this today true but I can say now with even stronger enthusiasm. Those words being “words can not describe how excited, happy, passionate I am about teaching! Teaching and learning alongside my students is such a blessing. I can not wait to learn new things, develop new teaching strategies and teach!”
In all honesty I can not wait to see what the future holds for me but all I know is where I end up, is where I am meant to be, with the students that need my teaching support!