3-2-1 Discussion Starter Assignment


3-2-1 Discussion Starter


  1. The idea that “Learning is a process of active engagement.”
  2. The line in the article states “learner differences as resources (benefits+positives) to be used, not obstacles to be confronted negatively.”
  3. The idea that there is “right and left” brain learning.  


  1. Now that there is a shift in learning in more social ways such as “conversations, discussion points, joint work, and debate.” (Wilson, S.M Peterson PL “Theories of Learning: What do they Mean Educators.) How would you address students who learn better as solitary learners?  How would you help these learners adjust to a shift in learning style?
  2. Why do major educational school systems still base our teaching on the idea of learners as “sponge/empty vessels,” even when there is evidence from Plato and Socrates that proves that learners are not empty vessels/blank slates?


  1. The article suggests learning is growing into the idea that learning is a social phonomenon.  


  1. Provided solitary learners have understood, we shouldn’t have to necessarily adjust their learning style; not everyone can learn in a group setting.  Do we have to try and change them all?  Now all students are the same and we should promote their differences and encourage their learning provided they are actually learning.  
  2. Teachers may be “bored” and not interested in their job, there may no longer be a passion for teaching and leave.  In older generations that is what they were taught and this carries forward into their teaching style.  A lot of younger teachers and us are in social change and we want to encourage and make that difference in our classroom, which can’t be done just by reading a textbook.  We need to provide an experience for our students to encourage their learning.