Ideas to bring into MY CLASSROOM


+ Life Skills Learning: one of my biggest focuses as mentions is spending the time teaching my students how to be good people and how they can be successful in our world.  By teaching them skills such as: 

  • cooking having them work together and cook basic recipes such as a grilled cheese or fruit salad. 
  • hygiene such as brushing their hair each day, brushing their teeth every morning and applying deodorant.  
  • public speaking such as in the classrooms sharing stories and speaking about yourself personally in front of others.  Even teaching students how to order food at a restaurant.   
  • taking out a book at the library for example using a library card to rent a book.
  • money teaching students how to purchase items and how to save.  
  • teaching students how to tell time using the clock, trying to help students learn how to stay on time. 
  • riding the bus, scanning a card, how to sit in a bus chair, where to sit on the bus, bus manners etc.  
  • manners when eating, out in public, having conversations with another person, etc. 
  • how to share with other people, in the ways of playing, etc. 
  • how to properly wash your hands. 
  • the value of stranger and danger, signs to recognize and what to do in a possible scary situation. 
  • how to communicate what you need, even when you can’t explain it in direct words.  

+ Articulation and Face Pronunciation Visual aids in the classroom. Perfect for those learning the beginning stages of  verbal communication.

+ Weighted blankets and stuffs are a huge comfort item for students in dis regulated moments. 

+ Alternative seating options are great.  

+ Washing your hands song by MooseClumps is a huge help.  It gets stuck in your head but its a great strategies for teaching proper hand washing.  Just look it up on YouTube. 

+ Sign Language posters for statements like “help please” because everyone should be able to explain their needs. 

+ Sensory Sound Canceling Headphones, great for field trips, assemblies or high escalated moments in the classroom. 

+ Classroom Job set up, switches on the weekly.  Again perfect for teaching those basic life skills. 

+ Designated charging station for iPads, communication devices and classroom tech. 

+ Circle time visuals, visuals are essential to make the messages clear to students.  

+ 7 Sacred Teachings Booklet focused on the Indigenous Ways of Teaching.  We as teachers need to focus on when working with students.  

+ Spirit Days, is something I hope to propose on the regular throughout the month. To me dress up days increase creativity and uniqueness among the students. It also shows that students don’t have to be scared to be different.

+ Positivity wall, which is a wall dedicated for the purpose of spreading positivity to your classmates. So it is just simply using a sticky note to say something you love about yourself or about someone else.

+ Show and Tell, and the purpose is for the students to get to share an object of importance to them. So it can be anything from a family photo album or a gold medal. Anything that shows who you are as individual.

+ Star of the Week, another idea to show identity of who each individual is. Each student will get their own week to share things about them, ex like favourite food, colour, and music genre.

+ Topic of the Week, is the idea of designating a topic for each week of school. Meaning that one week will focus on topic, ex June 1-5th would focus on ocean and it’s animals.