Outside of the Classroom Opportunities for Kids


+ Sing Like a Star, is a music studio which provides a variety of music lessons for kids of all ages. Lessons such as ukulele, guitar, singing, bass, and so many more.  Music lessons can be a great learning lesson for students.  https://www.singlikeastar.ca/

+ Children Programs, at your local libraries. Read with me lessons, summer reading program, and library cards.  Libraries are the gateway to opportunities.   https://www.reginalibrary.ca/services/children

+ Outdoor Education (outside of the school) visiting the land and participating in activities outside such as hiking, kayaking, fishing, etc.  

+ Swimming Programs taking lessons are great for students to learn these basic life skills.  

+ Band Program being able to practice at home is a huge blessing.  

+ Autism Resource Centre has fantastic programs, use when applicable.  

+ Music Therapy is a fantastic learning opportunity for students!  

+ Sports Program, so many options of sports to enroll your kids in. Soccer, swimming, gymnastics, karate, so many options.

+ City of Regina, affiliated organizations and groups are other great options for students to do outside of the classroom.