Volunteer Work

Pack Project 

Prior to this program’s closure within the last few years.  A close family friend and I would participate in volunteer work with this program.  Oftentimes we would pack, sort and load pet supplies into warehouses for foster families.  Take photos of dogs that are looking for their forever home.  My personal favorite part was taking dogs for walks.  Whenever an opportunity to work with a foster dog comes around my family and I are always willing to help!

Holding Hope

In the past two years I have been a member of a local non profit organization by the name of Holding Hope, created to raise awareness on child abuse and the amount of kids it impacks each and everyday.  During my time with this organization I was the Community Relations Manager of Holding Hope.  During the April of 2022 we created a pinwheel garden out in the front yard of City Hall, to represent the thousands of victims of child abuse, just here in Regina alone.  During the years of 2021 and 2022 our organization helped recognize an awareness day called “Blue Shirt Day,” made to raise awareness on child abuse.  Nowadays the leader from this organization has taken a step back, so this organization has not done anything recently but my intention is to be involved the moment we start back up again.  

Passion 2 Action Team

I have had the honour of being a part of this nonprofit organization for four years and counting.  Passion 2 Action “can be described as a grassroots non-profit organization that develops programming, organizes events and empowers young people throughout Saskatchewan because of a team of passionate and dedicated young leaders committed to making a difference.” In other words this non profit is focused on designing events to foster positivity and inspiration in our Saskatchewan youth.  For example one of Passion 2 Actions biggest events in the INSPIRE event.   Where we invite local Saskatchewan youth doing inspiring and positive things for our provinces, schools and communities.  So all who are a part of the Passion 2 Action team: you can choose a few teams to be a part of such as team inspire, social communications, school board communication, etc.   I have the pleasure of being a part of social communications and team inspire!  

This is a picture of me holding pinwheels, which is the official symbol of the Holding Hope Organization.

This is a picture of just one of the many signs that were placed outside of City Hall in Regina this April, to educate our city on child abuse.

Picture of me holding a sign that was posted to @holdinghopesk to showcase why I joined the Holding Hope Organization, and why you should too!