Who am I?

Why did I choose to become a teacher?


I am Emmalea, a young positive friendly helpful individual who loves to help people and be around kids!

Being a teacher is a career that I feel is the perfect fit for me. It gives me the opportunity to be around kids, spread happiness and uniqueness, and be there for my students. I also get to teach my students that it is okay to talk about how they feel and what they value as an individual.

Teaching is something that I love to do and I have done before. I work with young kids through my volunteer work and my jobs during the week. I am so excited for the day that I get to have my own classroom.

Being a teacher will provide me with the ability to work with kids and give me the step up to apply to be a part of the U of A Speech and Language Pathology program.  In the last year (2023) I have been highly considering working inclusive education classroom.  I have had the opportunity to be a substitute educational assistant in some special education classrooms this past year.  I have loved being a part of them whether FIAP, FTC, SEP and so many more additional classrooms.  I love being able to support those kids who need that additional support.  Within this past year, I was put into a SR Supportive Environment Program class for my Pre Internship placement.  It was an amazing experience, one that I am immensely grateful for!!!  This experience has created a significant impact in my life, teaching philosophy and taught me a ton.  

Why Speech and Language Pathology you ask? I have worked with many kids who struggle with communication issues. All of those kids have amazing voices, but they struggle with confidence in themselves to share their voice, because it is different. I want to become a Speech Pathologist, because no kid should ever feel scared of who they are and their voice!