A step out of the shallow water

This week, I took a step out of my comfort zone by trying something new: Animoto, a free video-making tool.

I started by going to the Animoto website:

The opening page of the Animoto website

I then made my free account and started a new project.

Blank project in Animoto.

In Animoto, you can easily do things such as add media to the media library on the right-hand side,

Add audio,

And preview the video.

One nice thing about Animoto is that it provides you with a quick tutorial on how to use it when you first begin. This is super useful for non-techy people like me.

Behind the scenes of my project video.

I’ve never been very good at making videos. Even in seventh grade when our class would make presentations using Windows Movie Maker (the only video-making tool I ever knew how to use), I wasn’t the most creative kid in the computer lab. I like to stick to what I know (which is a problem in the ever-changing world of tech). However, I did my best to create something usable.

After all of this work, I got to the end of making my video and discovered that in order to download it, I had to pay for a subscription.

Not only would I have had to pay for a subscription, but it was going to be a yearly subscription – for $96.

Enter: Screencastify to the rescue. (Screencastify is a Chrome extension which lets you record your screen or a certain window and the audio coming from it.)

And, there I was, having had to use not one, but two new techy things. T’was not a good day.

(There is an icon in the corner of the video from Screencastify, but at this point, I no longer cared.)

(Here are the links to the YouTube video I used this week and the ASL flashcards.)

The thing that was nice about Animoto was that everything was super easy. There didn’t appear to be a lot of free functions, but what was offered free was easy to use. The layout of the program itself was also nice, in that the most used buttons were all easily accessible and everything felt organized. But, in the end, it wasn’t too different from the Video Editor app which came with my laptop and which I have used before.

I think Animoto could be used as a great educational tool if the school system afforded a yearly subscription. However, I don’t think it’s necessary, as there are video editing apps that come with most Windows/Mac laptops/computers for free…

education and school concept little student girl studying at school

On the SAMR model, Animoto could be used in all of the four categories. It could be used to simply replace a face-to-face lecture, integrate pictures/videos in a lecture to become augmentation, become a tool that students use to create their own videos and share them with each other (modification), or to create something publishable and share it with the whole world (redefinition). In a classroom, I think the most likely level of Animoto on the SAMR model would be modification.

At the very least, I will now be equipped to use a video editing tool in the future. Is there any particular video editing tool that you prefer to use? Let me know in the comments.

(Also, if you know of any tricks to memorize the ASL alphabet, please tell me.)


Relearning the Alphabet

This week, I started using the app Lingvano. I really liked how it was laid out, and the first lessons were very simple. However, pretty soon after I started learning with it, I found out that I had to pay to continue learning. And, although I’m pretty invested in learning ASL, I’m not that invested.

(Click here to watch a video of me signing “hello” and “welcome,” words I learned from Lingvano.)

So, I moved on. The app InterSign ASL seemed like a good second choice. I started working on things there and learned the letters, A, B, D, E, F, J, K, L, O, P, S, T, N, X, and Y.

loading slideshow...

  • Letter "A"

  • Letter "B"

  • Letter "D"

  • Letter "L"

  • Letter "Y"

  • Letter "O"

I can now finger-spell short words, like “ball,” “fox,” “box,” “plate,” or “stand.” I still have a very limited knowledge of ASL, and it takes me a while to think about the shape of each letter before I can successfully make it or identify it.

It’s been really interesting so far, having to relearn the alphabet. It’s a strange feeling to be struggling so much to spell. My hands are a bit slower than my head is.

The homepage of the InterSign ASL app.

I really enjoy the way the InterSign ASL app is laid out. The most fun thing for me so far has been that after I learn a new set of letters on InterSign ASL, it shows a video of someone spelling a word using those letters and I have to type out the word. Identifying the letters individually in order to spell a word just feels rewarding when I finally figure it out.

I think I will continue using this app alongside the other things I try. I’ll definitely be trying YouTube videos next, but after that, I’m not sure what to do. Do you have a suggestion?

Attempted Suppression

I grew up quite skeptical of technology. We have the ability to see any of the knowledge anyone has ever cared to record on our little pocket-sized magic screens at any point in time. My parents – especially my dad – were unimpressed by this ability. (Although, I wonder if they were indeed impressed… too impressed, and felt they could not control it… and are thus as skeptical as they are.)

Connection technologies background

My parent’s being mildly adverse to technology meant that I grew up without certain things that my generation would have considered normal.

Coming home from school and having a snack while watching cartoons? Nope. Playing Minecraft with dad? Nope, although I genuinely wish this could have been a part of my childhood, and am furiously making up for it now. Family movie nights? Not unless it was a movie worth watching (provided that we already owned it on DVD).

loading slideshow...

  • screenshiot to document the coordinates of my starter base in one of my oldest worlds

  • church I built on creative mode

  • these coordinates were also once important for some reason

  • so were these (probably for mining)

List of my core childhood movies:

Nowadays, I’m a lot better versed in technology than when I grew up. I’m making up for lost childhood moments by watching Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Sound of Music, and all of those Disney movies that I’ve never seen.

However, I tend to be a bit critical. Is it really good for our psyches to be able to “see any of the knowledge anyone has ever cared to record on our little pocket-sized magic screens at any point in time”? Is it really good for us to constantly be entertained? As a generation (and as a society), I’m sure this will have lasting negative effects.

I recently listened to a very good podcast about technology, specifically AI. One of the people featured on this podcast mentioned how he takes a yearly rest from all forms of technology for the whole month of August.

This idea intrigued me, not just because of my skeptical roots, but also because of a desire to be addicted to technology as little as possible, and because I think it would be very emotionally healthy to simply be for a whole month. This would be extremely difficult to pull off, but could I do it, I think it might be extremely rewarding.

What do you think? How would you go about this, if you were going to go a whole month with as little technology as possible? Do you think there are some technologies that would be impossible to give up?


Journey towards ASL


For my learning project, I decided to try and learn some ASL (American Sign Language). I’ve never had a need for it, but I figure it’s a useful skill to have, and I think it’ll be (at least mostly) fun.

Woman showing abbreviation ASL on white background. Sign language concept

I have absolutely no prior knowledge of ASL, so it’ll be an entirely new thing for me to track my personal level of interest as this project continues and to see how much I will be able to retain starting from scratch.

I have a very rough idea of how I’d like to go about this, but this is subject to change:

I think I’ll start by trying out a couple of apps during the first two weeks. I already found two that I want to compare: Lingvano and InterSign ASL.

I think after that I’ll see if I can find a few YouTube videos and websites to try out.

Happy male using smartphone at modern coffee shop, he chatting Online Messaging on mobile smartphone.

After that, I’m not totally sure. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for some inspiration, but I’m sure it’ll come to me eventually.

I’m not interested in ASL for any particular reason, just because I think it would broaden my own potential as a person. I’ve never had to communicate with someone who was deaf, but I know a family who has a deaf son, and his two younger brothers were around my age. Sometimes, they would start signing at each other so that no one else knew what they were saying. I found that incredibly annoying, but thinking about it now, I think it’s very sad that just because someone is deaf, I can’t easily communicate with them.

Hopefully, that will soon change!

See you next time,



Something about me


My name is Bernice, and I’m going to be a high school math teacher. I’m technically in my third year, but it’s my first at the U of R, and my first in this program.

I’m not a huge technology user, and something like making a blog is entirely new to me. I’ve never been against using technology, but it’s not something I ever felt I needed. (My parents also raised me to be quite wary of the internet, so I think there’s some leftover suspicion there too.)

Besides having never made a blog, I’ve never had enough experience reading blogs to decide that I liked one enough to keep up with, so overall I’m coming into this with very little experience whatsoever.

I’m a Christian, and something that I’ve been super interested in lately is how I can continue to grow in an understanding of the world around me that is as balanced and true as possible. Thus, I’ve really enjoyed listening to the Unbelievable? podcast. This is a Christian-run podcast, on which two people of opposing views are invited to debate and discuss their various ways of seeing things. There are often Christians paired with non-Christians, during which both explain their point of view or challenge the view of the other, or Christians paired with other Christians that hold differing opinions. Overall, this podcast has been very informative and I’ve enjoyed learning from it. If you have questions about Christianity or are interested, I would highly recommend this podcast.

That’s all for now,
