Finishing the Alphabet

I took inspiration from Stephanie Voss in her post, Back to The Basics this week, as I finished learning the alphabet.

I worked on the alphabet using the same link that Stephanie provided in her blog, a link to a free ASL lesson on the ABC’s. I also reviewed the ABC’s a few times with this handy ASL ABC YouTube video:

The thing that’s so great about this video is that there is no introduction, background sound, or anything of that sort. It’s just a guy doing the ABC’s, and he does them pretty slowly, so it’s easy to follow along.

Next week I hope to finish learning the numbers in ASL.

I am finding that videos are the easiest thing for me to follow along with. I enjoy learning from them. I’m having trouble thinking of other, new things I could use to learn ASL from. Do you have any ideas?


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