Hour of Code


This week, as part of the assigned work, I spent some time looking through the Hour of Code website and doing one of their games.

I think coding games like this are a great way to teach students problem-solving skills in a fun way. They are forced to find the problem and come up with a solution if the code doesn’t work. And, in a game form like this, it’s not only more fun, but they also receive lots of tips and help.

I looked through a few:

But finally decided on this cute dinosaur game:

After signing up and making a free account, I spent some time going through the tutorial parts of the game. At the end, I had come up with something I was happy with.

I documented the work I did in this YouTube video on the hour of code dinosaur game.

I’ve done games like this in my own school experience, and I’ve enjoyed them when I did. My favorite coding experience was in elementary school. I think I was in grade seven at the time, and our teacher taught us enough about coding to be able to program the website C++ Shell to be able to do whatever we wanted. I created a questionnaire out of it, which, depending on your answers, would recommend what book you should read next.

Have you had an experience learning coding in school? If so, what was it like? Let me know in the comments.


One thought on “Hour of Code

  1. That’s awesome I wish I had a teacher who introduced me to coding. I found it super interesting when I took a computer science class at uni but I had never really explored it before. The questionnaire with book recommendations sounds super awesome. Coding is a great opportunity for students to express themselves like it seems you did that’s awesome!

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