Learning How to Speak to Friends

This week for my ASL learning, I again spent time on the SignSchool website.

The next module to complete was “Friends.”

Anyone else find it worth noting that SignSchool puts friends before family?


The more time I spend on SignSchool, the more I enjoy it. It’s such a good learning tool – and it’s free! Who couldn’t love it?

I made a video to record what my learning looks like on SignSchool and a review of what I learned this time. Here it is:

This week, SignSchool told me a story about a boy and a girl meeting each other. It was a video, and they signed phrases to each other that I had just learned. I then had to answer questions like, “What was the girl’s name?” “What did he ask her, and what did she answer?” It was so much fun and super practical.

If I ever have a student wanting to learn ASL, I will direct them to this site. Who knows, I may even keep learning ASL after this class just for fun!

Is there anything you think I should try next?


One thought on “Learning How to Speak to Friends

  1. Hey, Bernice! First time commenter here. This is the first time I have heard of SignSchool and your review of it makes me want to pursue learning ASL as well! You mentioned that they ask you questions about the conversation you watched and I think that’s a really clever and intuitive way to learn a language. I often find myself understanding foreign languages through foreign shows by associating the actions with their words so I see how useful visual learning is. I’ll be sure to keep this resource in my back pocket and hope to see it works wonders for you!

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