Numbers, numbers, numbers

Last time, I solidified my knowledge of the ASL alphabet. This week, I worked on learning how to sign numbers, and I started with just the numbers 1-10.

I used one of the websites that I also used to learn the alphabet – Sign Language 101, free Lesson ASL Level 1 – Numbers 1-10.

These are the ASL numbers 1-5 (don’t mind my super concentrated face):

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  • ASL #1

  • ASL #2

  • ASL #3

  • ASL #4

  • ASL #5

The numbers 1-10 weren’t that difficult to learn. Numbers 1-5 are really straightforward. Just start with your pointer finger and add fingers as the numbers get bigger. So for 1, hold up your pointer finger, for 2, hold up your pointer and middle finger, etc. The only exception is number 3, for which you hold up your pointer finger, middle finger, and thumb.

Numbers 6-10 are also pretty straightforward once you see the pattern. You start at number 6 by holding down your pinky with your thumb. For number 7, you hold down your ring finger with your thumb, for number 8, you hold down your middle finger with your thumb, and for number 9 you hold down your pointer finger with your thumb.

The only different one is number 10, where you make a thumbs up and shake it.

I think I can work on numbers 11-20 next time, and maybe throw in a few words. I’m really enjoying this website, they have a lot of free stuff on there.



3 thoughts on “Numbers, numbers, numbers

  1. Hey Bernice, super awesome website you found, lots of good resources! Looks like your learning of signing numbers is going along nicely. I will have to to continue to follow along with your posts as I am very interested!

  2. Your post this week was a great review for me on the numbers 1-10. I remember learning them from a friend wayyy back in 8th grade and it’s nice to see that I can actually recall them (I remember thinking 10 was fun to do!) It’ll be fun to follow next weeks post to see 11-20 and hopefully I can learn from you!

  3. Hey Bernice! The website you found was absolutely amazing! And the explanation of how to do the numbers was super clear! I wish you luck moving forward!

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