Field Experience

In ECS 101, I was able to spend four half days in a classroom as my field experience. Here are some of the highlights of this experience:

Infographic about my field experience

“In the grade 6 classroom I spent time in this week, there were various practices to include all students. One example was a student who had a disability who was given a special pen with which he could read the assignment questions before having to answer them. Another example was how the teacher spent time incorporating different cultures and histories into his lessons. There were also different workbooks for math for those students that needed extra practice or found those skills more difficult. This teacher taught his lessons in very hands-on, practical ways – for example, he made bread the night before this week’s class and while he was cutting it to give to his students, he hit on some science (how bread works), history (when has bread been important), religious studies (bread in the Christian tradition), and social studies (how bread is important to and different in other cultures). It was a great discussion time for the class, and even I learned some things. Another example is “Tune Tuesday,” during which the students would listen to a song with the lyric or music video and discuss what it was about. Other times, he would create more traditional, pencil and paper assignments.” (Excerpt from my Field Experience Blog Post #4)