Teaching Philosophy

Note: This page is still incomplete.

I Believe Statements

I believe that each person is created in the image of God, and thus is of infinite value. Each individual is of utmost importance and deserving of respect. This is my primary belief and influences all others.

I believe that every student is shaped by their various backgrounds and experiences, and recognize that I have a very particular background and limited experience. My goal is to learn about each student, and, to the best of my ability, provide an education personalized to them.

I believe that education is about more than teaching students math equations and preparing them for an exam. It is also (and mainly) about teaching good work ethic, critical thinking, community, and respect.

I believe each student is capable of learning in their own way and that it is my responsibility as an educator to help them discover and utilize the ways that work for them.

I believe in hands-on learning and the use of projects in the classroom.

I believe that it is my job as a teacher to make sure all students have the resources they need to have an equal opportunity to learn, which does not necessarily mean that each student has the same resources.