Mapping Introduction
The following is an introductory project that I completed in my ECS 303 course. We were prompted to create a visual map representation of where we are from, including significant places, people, environments, and stories.

“Hi! My name is Hayleigh, and I am a third-year secondary education student. I was born and raised in Treaty 4 territory, Regina, Saskatchewan. My map includes depictions of places that I frequently visit and are significant to me.
First, I included my house. My favorite place to be after a long day is just at home spending time with my dog, Pepper. She doesn’t go on many walks due to a leg injury, but she sure loves her cuddles! Next on my map is my grandma’s house. I make regular visits to keep her company and, of course, to savor some of her delectable baking. Her ice kiffels, a delicious German pastry, are a particular favorite of mine. Behind her house is a park with a large field. As a kid, I would often go there to play catch with my grandpa or catch butterflies. I then included my cabin at Last Mountain Lake, which is also located in Treaty 4 Territory. I have spent every summer out there since I was born and love being down at the sandy beach. It’s truly my happy place. The cabin is shared amongst my parents, my grandparents, my aunt, and my cousins so it’s a lively spot. I feel very fortunate for the time I get to spent with my family there. Then, I have included my dance studio. Dance, especially ballet, has always held a special place in my heart, and I’ve been taking lessons all throughout my life. Next, I’ve marked down my local library. I often spend a chunk of my leisure time here looking for books, reading, or catching up on schoolwork. My house can get pretty noisy, so I enjoy the quiet environment. Lastly, I’ve included the U of R as I spend a large portion of my time there during the school season. To me it represents a place of personal development and growth.”