Sketching, Technology, and Teaching: A Recap

Sketching, Technology, and Teaching: A Recap

Hello, everyone!

As I sit down to write this final blog post for the learning project, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and a myriad of emotions as I reflect on my journey of merging sketching and educational technology. This project has been a tapestry of challenges, learning, and unexpected joys.

Wooden cubes stacked on top of each other make up the TIME FOR RECAP inscription. Design on the desktop.

A Recap of My Journey

My journey began with the basics: gathering the right tools and understanding the fundamentals of sketching. From simple A3 sketch pads to graphite pencils and blending stumps, each tool opened a new door to creativity. I remember my initial struggle with drawing without references, a challenge that slowly turned into a skill as I learned more about proportions and techniques.

One of the highlights of my journey was discovering the Puppet Pals app, which added a fun twist to my teaching methods. Integrating technology and art in the classroom has always been a goal of mine, and this app allowed me to do just that. It was fascinating to see how digital tools could bring stories to life and engage students in a more interactive learning experience.

Let’s recap my Learning Project: My Sketching OdysseyGreek ancient ship

1. The Beginnings: My Sketching Journey begins 

My journey began with a simple desire: to learn how to sketch. Inspired by Aristotle’s words about man’s innate desire for knowledge, I embarked on this path. My faithful companion, the internet, provided me with a wealth of resources. Collecting basic sketching tools was my first step into this world of creativity. From sketchbooks to graphite pencils to mixing logs, each item was the key to unlocking a new potential.

2. Integrating Technology in Learning: Puppet Pals 

The discovery of the Puppet Pals app was a turning point. I explored how it could be used to enhance teaching through digital storytelling and the SAMR model.

3. Overcoming Challenges: Digital Sketching without pen

Transitioning from traditional sketching to digital platforms like Coursera, Krita, and Whiteboard Office presented its own set of challenges. The initial frustration of adapting to a new medium was real. However, it also opened up a world of possibilities, teaching me the value of perseverance and adaptability.

4.  Mastering the Basics 

This week, I focused on mastering the basic techniques of sketching and exploring different styles. From drawing facial proportions to using numbers and letters for creating simple drawings, each step was a building block in my artistic development. I delved into various online tutorials, each teaching me something unique about the art of sketching.

5. Making Learning Fun

Exploring a creative way to teach drawing using numbers and letters, I started using numbers and letters to create simple drawings like a bird and progressed to a bald eagle. I believe this approach can make learning more engaging and accessible for children as well.

6. A Journey in Teaching and Drawing

In this learning project, I overcame the problem of drawing images in my mind (visual imagination limitations) and realized the importance of patience, perseverance, and the willingness to explore different techniques in overcoming drawing challenges.

7. Tips and Tricks: Navigating Beginner Drawing Challenges

I, who encountered difficulties in a 5-minute handicraft training on lip drawing, achieved success with training on side-face drawing. It is more important to be patient and discover in the learning process. Five-minute videos are like training sets to learn English in just an hour.

8. Sketching Progress: Before Term’s End

This week’s project showed me once again that drawing education is really about tips and tricks, advocating the use of basic shapes in drawing and leading to a better understanding of proportions. I realized once again that it is not drawing by looking that provides the best, easiest, and most accurate support for drawing proportions, but getting geometric support. and the easiest method for those like me who have trouble imagining.

9. The Final Piece: Embracing Perspective 

My final project involved learning about a one-point perspective. This technique was not just about sketching; it was about seeing the world from a different angle and understanding depth and dimensions. It was a fitting metaphor for this entire journey—looking at teaching, learning, and creativity from a new perspective.

Time To Learn Concept

My Top Five Takeaways

  1. YouTube’s Educational Goldmine: YouTube, once a source of entertainment, emerged as an invaluable educational resource during my sketching journey. The diverse range of tutorial videos provided visual guidance, transforming intricate techniques into accessible learning experiences.

  2. Digital Presence Drives Progress: Overcoming initial reservations about creating a YouTube channel, I discovered profound benefits. Instant feedback from classmates became a motivational force, fostering a sense of pride in my work. The online community of learners became a wellspring of inspiration, turning constructive criticism into a powerful tool for improvement.

  3. Empowerment through Online Learning: Embracing online platforms, my sketchbook transformed into a hub of self-discovery. The internet’s wealth of educational resources shattered preconceptions, emphasizing the immense potential of online learning in fostering independence and skill development.

  4. Dedication Unveils Sketching Complexity: Similar to the dedication required in learning a new language, committing to mastering sketching techniques unfolds layers of complexity. Progressing through the learning curve, the intricate world of sketching began to reveal its logic and nuances.

  5. Fearless Exploration of Learning Projects: Initial apprehensions about online learning projects transformed into profound rewards. Contrary to fears, the experience became one of the most enriching assignments, offering skills crucial for future endeavors. This journey reinforced the idea that confronting new challenges leads to substantial personal and professional growth.

pause and reflect watch

Reflections on the Process

This journey has been about more than just learning to sketch. It’s been a process of self-discovery, of integrating my love for art with my passion for teaching, and of understanding how technology can be a powerful tool in education. I would honestly say the challenges were instrumental in shaping my skills. They taught me the importance of flexibility and the willingness to adapt to new learning environments. They are not roadblocks but stepping stones to greater understanding and skills.

Helpful resources - Inscription on Blue Keyboard Key.

Key Learnings and Resources

Throughout this journey, I found invaluable resources that guided my progress. From YouTube tutorials on facial proportions to Skillshare’s insightful blog posts on quick drawing tips, each resource contributed significantly to my growth. I also learned to appreciate the beauty of starting with geometric shapes, a technique that simplified complex drawings and made them more approachable.

Final Thoughts

As I look back, I realize how much I’ve grown not just as an artist but also as an educator. Sketching has taught me the essence of patience, the joy of small victories, and the importance of continuous learning. My final sketches, although not perfect, are a testament to my dedication and love for this art form.

I hope my journey inspires others to embark on their paths of discovery and learning. Remember, it’s not about perfection, but progress.

Looking Forward

As I conclude this project, I am reminded of the words of Socrates: “The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.” This journey has been more than just about sketching; it has been a journey of self-discovery, of understanding that learning is a lifelong process. The skills and insights gained from this journey will not only enhance my teaching methods but also continue to inspire my artistic endeavors. I hope my experiences encourage others to embark on their journeys of learning and discovery.

Thank you for being a part of my sketching odyssey. Stay creative, stay curious! Stay lifelong learners!

*Check out my recap of what I’ve learned in my EDTC class in the following post.



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