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Author: Esin

Technology is all around me

Technology is all around me

I just checked my weekly screen time, and it’s quite intriguing! On an average day, I spend about 2 hours and 53 minutes on my phone. Let’s break down how I use this time: Eksisozluk: This is my favorite platform, a popular Turkish online dictionary and social hangout. I spend a total of 7 hours and 35 minutes there every week. Most of the time, you’ll find me reading news or sharing information, often writing about Greek culture. I should…

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My Sketching Journey Begins

My Sketching Journey Begins

Aristotle’s Metaphysics begins with the famous line, “All men by nature desire to know.” When I first read this at the age of 20, I probably didn’t feel it in my heart. However, as I reflect on my learning journey, I believe he was absolutely right!!! By my very nature, I have an innate desire to get new knowledge, and the internet has always been there to help me discover something fascinating to learn. When I first encountered the internet…

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My Educational Odyssey and Lifelong Learning Journey

My Educational Odyssey and Lifelong Learning Journey

Hey there, I’m Esin! I am originally from Istanbul, Turkey. My educational journey began with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy at Yeditepe University. Afterward, I obtained a teaching certificate from Marmara University, which marked the beginning of my teaching career in both Turkey and Greece. I got an excellent opportunity to study modern Greek at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and fell in love with a Greek guy. A long story… Life has a way of taking unexpected…

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My New Educational Blog and Artistic Journey

My New Educational Blog and Artistic Journey

This is my new blog to use for educational purposes. I will continue to share what I have learned in life in the same way on my old blog, where I have other posts. I’m posting the link here in case you’re curious, but I don’t think you’ll be interested since I write mostly in Turkish. Anyway, it’s my first favorite. I’ve been using it for about twenty years. I am aiming to build a personal online portfolio using this…

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