Week Five; Delicious Tomato Rice Recipe

Week Five: 

Tomato rice recipe.

This is my favorite recipe. I remember my mom used to cook this when I attended school in India. This was my lunch with fried or boiled eggs as a side dish for this tomato rice. This is tomato sauce mixed with rice. I get a good flavor when mixed with other ingredients like onion and whole gram masala spices like bay leaf, cardamom, and cloves. The step-by-step recipe is posted with the YouTube link. 

After I came to Canada I have not made this because my children always like Canadian foods with fewer spices and mostly use soya sauce or other sauces to mix with rice. When I tried this tomato rice recipe it was overall good. But after not cooking this for many years I felt that I had added more hot chilies and salt.

Then for the last step because I had already cooked and I did not want to waste it I added some sugar to the tomato recipe then it was not that spicy for me. I have added the pictures of my cooked tomato rice recipe. I love this food and I think I will make some more rice and mix the rice with the tomato sauce store it in the refrigerator and eat it whenever I want.

Pro tips for this recipe:

Rinse rice well a few times to get rid of the starch. Soak it well for at least 30 mins. Basmati rice can be used.


2 cups basmati rice

Tomatoes 2 to 3


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6 Responses to Week Five; Delicious Tomato Rice Recipe

  1. Jerome Schmeiser says:

    Thanks for sharing! I will have to try this recipe. I always add a little sugar to my tomato sauces too to cut through the acidity.

  2. Kade Aseltine says:

    Hi Fathima,

    Recipes associated with loved ones are the best and most comforting dishes anyone can eat! For me, it is a basic grilled cheese sandwich and homemade soup. It looks yummy; I will have to try it sometime. Great job!

  3. Elyse Woodard says:

    Hello Fathima, this recipe looks delicious! I love tomato and I will definitely have to try making this recipe. Thank you for sharing! Good job!
    -Elyse Woodard

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