A Modern Education: Global, Inclusive, Unobstructed

“The central problem of education in the industrial era, of bringing the child’s
inner nature into effective contact with the objective demands of the natural and the social
environment, still remains unaddressed today.”

As we have modernized alongside periods such as the industrial revolution, people and especially children have become more detached from the tangibility of real life and the impact our decisions have on things around us. Modernization has allowed for beautiful and amazing advancements in medicines and technology but also, it has made tremendous leaps for instant communication across vast distances. With this advancement our capabilities for networking and sharing information has never been faster or more efficient than today; with our newfound capabilities comes a duty to share and freely distribute information within these social networks for the betterment of humanity as a whole, providing a digital glue to connect and communities and peoples that otherwise could never feasibly meet or share their thoughts and ideas. Providing these opportunities and reinforcing the importance of these free communications is a vital step to reintroducing the social aspect of education to an extent that a social communal garden could not hope to reach. Just as Socrates called to his jurors in Athens to think for themselves and find truth; we now have an environment of great opportunity for change, teaching students to use the tools available to them to aid in the continued involved growth of communication. With the progress of technology and our newfound ease of global travel the world is no longer capable of sustaining racial walls of discrimination and closed thinking. When society is no longer propelled by war and discrimination then the education system must be made to reflect this change. Children are not born with these barriers and instead develop them from the environment they are raised in making it an important social issue to address in the education system. With open development we are able to view inclusive trends and strategies utilized in other parts of the world for the sake of evolving our own when we find such room for improvement. By continuing to push for an open form of communication, cooperation, and openminded learning we can remove some power of discrimination. By normalizing the attitude of inclusive thinking and equal opportunity we are giving the students and children the opportunity to learn without the same limitations we ourselves were forced to have.

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