Kumashiro: Commonsense’s Common Threat

Commonsense represents an underlying issue in the teaching process. When we stop actively thinking about the situations presented to us we lose control and begin the dangerous slide down the slope of meek acceptance. By allowing general assumptions to become “common” knowledge and general acceptance we are losing both our individuality and our ability to express and understand empathy and its purpose in daily life. People are intrinsically unique and by taking wide general assumptions as fact we deny them this individuality; as a species we continue to grow and evolve socially, the acceptance of ‘commonsense’ is the act of actively denying people and the next generation their own opportunity to further this growth and development. A classroom is designed to be a welcoming and enlightening environment to encourage growth and development allowing each generation to not only learn from, but teach and contribute to the current understandings that we as a people have. Commonsense shelters the individual from culpability and it is this very aspect that makes it truly dangerous, it is easier to blindly follow and blame others rather than take responsibility and actively oppose the issue. We have established the teaching environment to be a fluid living creature representing our own knowledge as a society. This does not mean that the current system is perfect rather it exemplifies the flaws placed within it, commonsense understandings endanger the continued refinement and development of humanity as a people within a teaching environment.

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