I believe

I believe that the first step to education is building trust.

I believe that somedays everyone has a bad day, being accepted despite this makes the difference.

In an open and honest environment there is less friction and what friction remains is positive professional rivalry.

I believe that any classroom can become a welcoming home for students at school; some students look to this time as an escape, a teacher’s duty is to provide guidance and a place to grow.

I believe that Theatre can bridge the gaps and divides between us all as individuals and as groups.

I believe that you need to learn from the past but that process also requires you realize not all lessons are positive.

I believe that everyone should always have the same chance, opportunity, and aid to achieve their best.

I believe that everyone should be equally given the opportunity to attend and demonstrate their strengths competitively, nobody should limit someone off a biased notion when their works speak novels to their capabilities.

I believe that reconciliation can only be accomplished witch acknowledgment of horrible truths: true reconciliation requires hard-earned tears to be freely shed, and justified guilt be felt in the heart, until the victims no longer feels the need.

I believe everyone should be proud of the history that makes them the individual they are.

I believe that Canada is Mother Nature’s gift to everyone who chooses to live here, it is in-turn our duty as caretakers to preserve and cherish it.

I believe that everyone needs five key figures for a fulfilling and balanced life: a pet and/or hobby, someone who makes you laugh, someone who makes you smile, someone you can bare your heart to, and someone who clashes with your immediate point of view.

I believe that every single person is an eternal student and the only time you fail is when you shut your ears or close your eyes to learning from another perspective.

I believe that everyone is entitled to express themselves freely as long as it does not involve hate towards any individuals or groups.

I believe that you should give gifts when life hits a milestone, give smiles to those who look to you, give laughs to those who are sad, and give love wherever you find it needing.

I believe that every individual is capable of accomplishing more than could ever be thought possible all they need is for someone who believes in them and tell them that they are heard.

I believe that our biggest ally is the Earth that provides all that we need and that Her biggest adversary is our wanton greed and neglect.

I believe that one day cancer will be a thing of the past.