My Philosophy: Four Keys to Wellness

Pet/Major Hobby: For me this is a myriad of family pets until such a point that I may have a place of my own. Having something that you care for and can visually see the progress of provides individuals with a sense of strong emotional attachment as well as an incredulous amount of positive reinforcement. Nurturing something instills a sense of duty and regularity to daily life while also requiring physical activity; this motivates individuals to stay active(to varying degrees based off pet or hobby) benefitting both parties. If pets are not ideal then a major hobby that takes up a couple hours of time can greatly benefit individuals including those with symptoms of stress or anxiety. Having one or both of these provides you with a better personal wellness allowing you too move on in reconciliation.

Mother’s wolves left Caillou (passed) and on the right Spotty

Friend: My friend Andrea, she has been one of my greatest supporters in the past and has been there for me during some of my darkest times. I firmly believe that having her in my life has made me a better person everyday and that I would never have gotten this far without her support. Having a friend that you can argue and cry with is one of the most comforting feelings of reassurance one can get and having a person like this in your life is an integral part of my belief in personal wellness.

Partner: Empty, having a partner presents a secure future and allows the mind to worry less while maintaining positive reinforcement of mental wellbeing. Having a person to share your private thoughts with and work together to resolve issues is one of the most basic and intimate relationships one can have. Having a mate is one of the most basic parts of humanity just as any other animal on Earth, everyone desires companionship just as we as social beings benefit desire interaction but this is of a far less intimate nature than partnership. Having a partner provides this security and allows your emotional well being to come into balance.

Role Model: I find there are 3 role models that I have striven to emulate as much as possible those being Roberto Luongo, Louis Riel, and my father. Through these three men I have been taught that doing what you believe is right is vital to your own happiness as well as for progress. Do not allow others to slow you down because they have not learned to see the way you do; simply allow them their own voice and, come time that they ask you, always say what you mean and truly feel. Accomplishing change is hard and accomplishing positive change is harder, perseverance is about keenly choosing what to believe in so that there is no reason to self doubt. We live in a world of contradictions but still this is only the world we are presented with, we all are given opportunity to change and by working together to achieve likeminded goals without worrying about petty difference is the key to a better world for the next generation. Every generation lives in the aftermath of the one before it but it is still our duty to fix it for the next one. Having a role model or set of ethics to live by provides a person with goals and an outline of how and how not to get there. Living a life without these things is no less dangerous than driving in the dark without headlights or docking a ship through fog without a lighthouse, you run the risk of getting lost because you did not learn there was a danger.

Wall of Hope from the CIBC run attended with my sister in honor of our Mother