
I graduated with an IB diploma from St. Mary’s Catholic Highschool in Calgary before I moved back to Regina attending a class at Saskpolytech before being accepted to the U of R for Education program. I was set down this path by a group of great teachers that have had my back throughout school, between their advice and my own desire to better the education experience I began my pursuit of Education. While at St. Mary’s I took the NAPI program through the U of C, after my graduation there was a two year gap before I took a Saskpolytech English course. This was done as practice to grease the rusty gears before applying for my degree. Once this was accomplished and I later received my acceptance letter my family was astounded, out of a family of six I was the second to attend university.

I firmly believe that the use of honest open communications and theatre techniques allows for students to become more open, vocal, and allows them to better become a team. The use of these methods allows for any subject matter to be better imparted by invigorating the student to pay more attention. Use of trivia or presenting study tips through a more enjoyable medium is just one of many ways to motivate the classroom environment to become of of lighthearted competition. All this is done in order to encourage a more organic and natural feel towards education; in order to keep progressing we need to remove the image of filed rows of desk in place of a more inviting one. Class work should always be designed in such a way that stimulates personal idea’s but also a natural response of helping each other out when opportunity is seen. Competition as stated is an important part of a healthy life, so long as we can maintain a space of joint cooperation and competition, we can produce an learning environment that discourages pettiness and negative “-ism’s” while maximizing teamwork and forward thinking mentalities.