Meaningful Quotes

“There is a teaching there.”

Albert Saas

This quote was said over and over by Cori in our seminar and it got me thinking that it related to my belief that students need to be able to guide their own education. This quote resonated deeply within me. I am an adult learner with ADHD this quote is important because of the story Cori told with it and it has been empowering and motivating me ever since. I use it in my everyday life to learn my mistakes and more valuable information each day. I think that students should have control over what they learn in their everyday lives and should most definitely be learning things even when not in class. This quote allows me to tell students to look for the teachings themselves and lets them find valuable information on their own.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

While not an educator by profession Benjamin Franklin makes a good point in this quote when it comes to what we discussed in relation to place based learning and Indigenous ways of knowing. Not every student can learn by reading a book or writing a paper, some need to witness or create the things they learn about. This quote embodies that message and conveys powerfully.

“Listen, its called attendance, you must always be listening”

Cori Saas

This was a quote given when Cori was talking about helping one of her students by just listening to them before school one day. I find this quote to be impactful because often I felt my teachers did not listen and it left me feeling off during school hours. Students need to be heard and their conversations respected. This means you have to listen to them fully.

“Love first, learn later.”

Cori Saas

I find this quote to be so important I must truly let my students know they matter to me before I teach them. Their schooling will be so much better and they will be immersed way more in the learning and material I share with them.

“You can get kids to do anything if you get them to believe in themselves.”

Cori Saas

I found this quote stuck in my head because it is true. If you believe in a student they can do lots but they can do anything if the believe in themselves. I work with kids scared to drown in a pool all I have to do to get them swimming is to get them to believe in themselves.

“Being a teacher is 1/4 preparation and 3/4 theatre.”

Gail Godwin

I also found truth in this quote as you can never prepare fully for the questions and things students are going to ask and do, thus I must come prepared to class with a theatrical side so I do not run out of ideas or class time.

“What a teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.”

Karl Menninger

I believe this quote is so important, meaningful, and true. A teacher can teach but it’s how they do it that makes the teachings stick inside the young minds of students. My personality will impact my students lives more than the things I teach them.

“Our task, regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible. No one can do more.”

Lori Malaguzzi

I believe each student requires different teachings and methods of teaching, each student has their own mountain to climb with unique obstacles to each student. I can only help them climb so far, they must do the rest themselves. I can only teach students what they want to learn, sometimes they have to fill in some blanks.

“Education is improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.”

Marian Wright Edelman

I found this quote super impactful because this is the entire reason I want to be teacher, I want to teach to change the future and leave both my community and world better than when I found it by changing students lives.