
These documents are incredibly important to me because they are working guidelines for my behaviour in and out of my workplace. Setting a good example is the best way to earn respect and ensure my students, their parents, and my co workers trust me to the fullest potential.

Teacher Professionalism – A Public Trust

All of these resources are incredibly important to show how the Orange Shirt day has impacted survivors’ lives and also to teach students the importance of Orange Shirt day. | Our home on native land

Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools

(PDF) “A relational approach to decolonizing education: working with the concepts of invitation and hospitality”

Phyllis Webstad reflects on inspiring Orange Shirt Day and starting a movement

What is Orange Shirt Day? | Explore | Awesome Activities & Fun Facts

Teacher Resources

This video resonated with me so much because teaching Reconciliation in the classroom is so incredibly important.

St. Joseph’s Residential School Stories

These links directly correlate to Truth and Reconciliation and I firmly believe Truth and Reconciliation should be taught in the classroom to at least push students to look into starting their Journey towards Reconciliation.

Truth and Reconciliation What is it about? 

4 Seasons of Reconciliation Module 8

Pedagogical Considerations for Teaching About Residential Schools

Decolonization Lecture by Fatima 

Inclusive education is incredibly important to me, these are many resources I found helpful and impactful on my views around diversity.

Inclusive Education SK 2017

Using Words With Dignity

Deepening The Discussion Gender Sexual Diversity SK

Understanding Myths and Misconceptions about LGBTQ2 Youth at School

The Gender-Friendly Classroom | Education Canada Magazine

I got another resource for Truth and Reconciliation in the form of a book called “Legacy” by Suzanne Methot, I got this resource from another class, Indigenous 100.