I am grateful to presenters for today’s talk because they unfolded a new mystery for me as I was completely unfamiliar with the terms Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 and I never knew these terms before. As discussion proceeded, I got familiar with these things. And I was also introduced with the implications of Web 3.0, if initiated, during this class session. With the gathered information, I am much excited to write a blog on impact of introduction of Web 3.0 on education.
“The web influences people’s way of thinking, doing and being, and people influence the development and content of the web. The evolution of the web from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now to Web 3.0 can be used as a metaphor of how education should also be evolving, as a movement from Education 1.0 toward that of Education 3.0. The Web, Internet, Social Media, and the evolving, emerging technologies have created a perfect storm or convergence of resources, tools, open and free information access.” (Jackie Gerstein)
I believe, undoubtedly, technology or internet is progressing at fast pace and addition of features is made possible in upcoming years. Internet Web 1.0 transformed to Web 2.0 and now at the verge of Web 3.0 which transformed the education from 1.0 to 3.0. New technological tools generated with the help of Web 2.0 added new web tools in classrooms for teaching and learning. As an educator, I prefer selecting these digital tools to make teaching more effective and dynamic.
Gerstein metaphor: Transformation of Education
The evolution of internet from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now Web 3.0 has made a huge impact in transformation of education from Education 1.0 to education 3.0, ultimately that has helped in understanding the shifting of nature of teaching and learning. Gerstein metaphor helps in following changing landscape of education. It has constructed education landscape in a positive way as it has shifted teaching learning towards student centric wholly.
Education 1.0 was uni-directional, in which students were at receiver’s end and instructivism approach having very sources like teachers, libraries, classnotes, handouts and World Wide Web in latest were used. This shifted towards, Education 2.0 in late 2000, in which teaching was interactive, focused on constructivist approach, developed with the emergence of social-media, Wikipedia and blogging. It involves more participation and content sharing. Updated most Education 3.0 in which social networking and social benefits play significant role in teaching and learning. Connectivist approach is practiced.
Implementation of Web 3.0 will be advantageous as it will help to eradicate digital divide from our society as it will make digital resources readily available to large proportion of populace. Additionally, it will make wholly student centric learning and more effective.
Although it has many more advantages of shifting towards Web 3.0, such as bringing equity in education and eradicate digital divide, yet it will not be able to benefit certain group of people, known as disadvantaged group while the other is called advantaged group. It helped to raise certain Social movements, such as Black life matters.
young-man-patiently-guiding-an-older-man-in-using-a-smartphone-set-in-a-minimalist-interior-with-light-colors-symbolizing-the-harmonious-bridge-between-generations-through-technology-stockpack-adobe-stock.jpgPrivileged or advantaged Group: It is going to provide facilitation to the people

known as advantaged group, who:
- Are tech savvy or digitally literate.
- Have access to technology (technological devices, internet access).
- Are self motivated.
- Are focused.
- Have time management skills.
- Are adaptable and flexible.
Disadvantaged or Left out Group: It is not going to accommodate disadvantaged

group, who:
- Digitally illiterate.
- Lack reliable internet access and digital devices.
- Are distracted.
- Are not good at time management.
- Are rigid or stick to traditional methods.
For this blog, I have been through an article Moving from Education 1.0 Through Education 2.0 Towards Education 3.0
I have also watched https://youtu.be/7R6oAzie4Lc?si=Sq25OdUkNyuA-aRP
Hi Gurjinder
I like the way you presented your argument on Gerstein’s metaphor. The emergence of advanced technologies is truly bringing a shift to Education 2.0. Though these 3.0 tools are making digital resources readily available to a large population, do you really think they will help eradicate the digital divide in our society? One thing, I am definitely sure of is that these tools are helping people in becoming more familiar with the use of technology in education.
Hi Gurjinder,
I loved how you organized some of the information in your blog post in a form of lists. I consider myself a visual learner (though most people say that :D, but I think I really am), so lists help me memorize information more efficiently.
I agree that to be a successful learner in this digital age, you have to stay self-motivated and focused, be adaptable and flexible to change. Whatever our attitude to technology is, we have to realize that interaction with it is unavoidable nowadays, and we have to do our best to make it a part of our life. We can’t just, as you said, stay rigid and stick to the traditional teaching/learning strategies only, though we could still keep practicing them along the cutting-edge ones.
Looking forward to your next posts!