Coding or Computer programming is, a key concept in computer science, the languages used to give command or instructions to the computer. For instance, Java, C ++, SQL etc. In this technological era, it is cosmopolitan concept which is used in every commercial sector. People, after gaining proficiency on IT skills, pursue it as career or profession to earn their bread and butter. It is one of the highest paid professions these days. Experts in coding can adapt professions like Software developers, Engineers, Website designers etc. Nowadays, teaching of coding has been prevalent for students at educational institutes to fit in this digital era.

I believe, if students learn Coding skills, they will be gaining expertise in this and get into certain professions successfully, such as Engineering and software designing. Thus, they can be successful professionals. They can be at higher positions in multinational companies and other related industries. Secondly, they can also start up their own business and get into entrepreneurship by designing websites, apps and games. Additionally, there is a fact that proficient coders construct logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Moreover, it also makes students creative and enhances creativity in them.
As per opinion, coding is used in every sector and if learnt by everyone, may draw benefit out of it. Programming is a concept, that is quite difficult to understand until it is practiced. Hence, it demands a large amount of practice. It benefits those learners who are IT literate and practiced a lot on coding. To do well in coding, one must have professional degree in it. However, students, who are not from IT background, can not gain proficiency in it and can not practice on it. Consequently, they will lack in computational skills and can not do well in it. Another downside of this is, it needs computer devices and internet connection, so one’s lacking these resources can not learn these programming skills.
If I talk about my personal experience with coding, unfortunately, I find it pretty much hard to learn. In terms of computer knowledge, I find myself at beginner’s level or basic programmer. Initially, I am from medical background and had not to learn coding ever and could not practiced much. I perceive, Coding or programming is not my cup of tea. But, to cope up with my recent curriculum, I have started looking into coding tutorials, so that I could also inculcate these skills into my students.
I have always been Science teacher and engaged myself, throughout my professional journey, with science teaching only. I have started learning coding skills from coding tutorials as learning computer languages is need of hour.
I agree with the notion that coding can be taught by experts who have certification for that because it a technical field which requires practice and certification too. Tech savvy person gains expertise in programming pedagogy and will be able to teach it to students. It is hard to teach these skills to undergraduate students until you have proficiency in computational skills which is only possible by practicing on it.
For this blog, I have been through, Teaching-programming-in-schools-pedagogy-review-Raspberry-Pi-Foundation.pdf
I have also read, An Overview of STEM, Robotics, Coding, and Maker Spaces