Applications and impact of Generative AI tools

Generative AI is referred to generation of digital tools and techniques, that performs tasks (such as problem solving, decision making etc.) which requires human intelligence. In this competitive era, it has prevalent in IT world and eased the life of everyone. It is efficiently applicable in teaching learning process as well as it can make life of a teacher easy and productive. In this blog, I will be talking about my personal experience using these tools along with its positive and negative implications and future of AI in our lives.

I have been using certain artificial intelligence tools since years in my professional and personal life. Back in my home country, I was a Zoology Teacher, and I was supposed to teach biology practically as well to make students familiar with anatomy and physiology of the all the animals. I vividly remember, there were certain animals which were not available physically due to their demographic distribution conditions. To expose their anatomy and physiology, I used to practice dissection on VictoryXR. Secondly, I have been using Magic School AI from years, which, I believe, eases the life of an educator with its features, such as Rubric generator, image generator, multiple choice quizzes, report card commenter and many more. ChatGPT is nowadays most usually used AI tools by professionals and students. Turnitin is also the one, I am encountered frequently these days to detect plagiarism. Microsoft Copilot is AI launched by Microsoft.
It is advantageous approach as it has made teaching possible remotely. It has eradicated the scope of human error. Huge data can be generated, analysed and handled using AI. It can be applied in every sector, such as Software, business, medical etc. As a teacher, it gives instant grading and quick feedback for the improvement of student learning. Microphone feature of Microsoft word helps to convert speech to text and vice-versa. It has made it possible to show any virtual resource for teaching and learning. At the end, I would agree with the statement that, AI make learning memorable and effective.

On the other hand, it has certain flaws. First of all, privacy is major concern while using AI tools, as to access use of it, it always asks for students’ personal details and selling that information in the market. Another impact of it, using AI tools for learning results in failure in development of human empathy and emotional connection between tutor and learner. Overuse of these techniques make people over rely on them. As a consequent, people fail to develop creativity, social interaction and emotional intelligence in them. Furthermore, digital divide is a barrier on the way of using AI. It has turned education into business.

Undoubtedly, innovation in AI can be applied in every possible industry in future and it is going to be uncertain. By the next decade, its advanced version can be seen in medical and business. It ca be expected teachers could be replaced by robots or AI products in coming years. Robots can be imposed in many other industries too. For instance, health sector.
For this article, I have been through What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? | IBM
For impact of AI, I have been through Advantages and disadvantages of AI in education | University Canada West (UCW)
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Hello Gurjinder,
I like your perspective about the advantages AI provided in education. I agree AI has the incredible capability to provide better learning experience for students and bridge the gaps of accessibility and innovation. Your blog shows the deep understanding you have about the generative AI.
Thanks for sharing unique insights !
Thank Your Gagan!!!
Hope to learn a lot more from you in future.