Summary of Learning

As with almost every other aspect of EDTC 300, I had to learn how to use a new digital tool. This time, I tried out an app called SimpleMind, which is a mind map-making tool. It was effortless to use and a helpful way to start mind mapping. I also finally got to use ScreenCastify for this assignment as well. It was also an easy tool to use and one I am glad to have in my toolbox. Lastly, I used CapCut to create the video. However, I used the desktop version and found it easier than the mobile app. 

Anyways, here is a link to a Google Doc of all the resources I used while creating this video.  

Thanks for watching!

An End…. And Start


It is hard to believe the Spring term has already ended. It felt like this class and learning project were complete in the blink of an eye. As a part of the EDTC 300 class, an educational technology course, I had to pick something to learn over the term and document it through blogging. 

I decided to learn makeup, as I enjoy it but did not get time to practice. I also chose it as I was more familiar with the process and blogging was already something new I was learning how to do. I was also a bit apprehensive going into this project as I am not present online. I am the epitome of the passive scroller, as I rarely post or comment on social media. 

Despite these worries, I came to enjoy the blogs and looked forward to getting to write my weekly learning project blog. I also learned a lot more about the makeup world than I expected to, as I tend to give up easily when I can’t get it right. I found myself pushing my skills and also giving myself more grace than I had in the past. 

What I could do before the project Hoped to Learn to do Learned to do
  1. Eyeshadow with 2-3 shades
  2. Winged eyeliner
  3. Eyeliner Hearts
  4. Blush
  5. Highlighter
  1. Foundation
  2. Concealer
  3. contour
  4. Masculine makeup looks
  5. Complex eyeshadow looks
  1. Graphic eyeliner designs
  2. Simple shadow looks with 4-6 shades
  3. Complex looks with around 20 shades
  4. Flower eyeliner art
Recap of learning 

Week 1: A Semi-Beginners Plan to Learning Makeup)

  • Introducing my makeup interest 
  • Examples of past experiences makeup looks
  • Rough plan on makeup skills to learn
  • Examples of sources
  • Documentation plan
  • First eyeshadow look: ColourPop All Amethyst Palette | Soft Purple Eyeshadow Tutorial
    • Enjoyed this source as she had verbal cues and visual aids for where to put the makeup 
  • Tips I knew before:
    • Use water or setting spray on a brush to make a shadow brighter
    • Using an eye curler before mascara can help make the lashes look longer,
    • Important to clean, moisturise and prime skin before starting,
    • Fill in the water line first on the eyes first. Helps avoid makeup running from eyes watering.
    • Put tape on your outer corner to help with making a wing
    • Start small. You can always make the wing thicker or bigger. 
    • Q-tips will be your best friend! They help sharpen the edges of the wing.
    • Try a pencil liner rather than a liquid liner. This can allow for easier control. 
    • Do the liner in sections. It is easier than doing a single line.
    • Place a dot where you want your wing to end. This helps to keep the wing to the size you would like
    • After putting a shadow on a brush, tap it off on the pallet. Helps remove excess shadow and makes it easier to build. 

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  • One of the first looks I have done

  • Valentines look from 2024

  • Photo of a closed eye. The eye makeup is a light purple outer corner and crease with a shimmer purple on the inner corners. There is a small black wing along the lash line

    First look of the Blog

    Completed on May 10th

Week 2: My Time with TheMakeupChair

  • Eyeshadow looks all from YouTube creator, TheMakeupChair
  • May 12th and 15th: Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial 
    • Great resource
      • Used visual aids and verbal explanations to show the parts of the eye and where to place the shadow
      • Showed each shadow she used 
      • Few steps
  • May 16th: Beginners Eye Make-up Tutorial Using Blue Eyeshadow 
    • Okay resource
      • Did not use visual aids for each step
      • Used shapes to explain how she was placing the makeup, which was confusing
      • Had a hard time identifying where to put the shadows
  • May 17th: Barbie Girl Eye Makeup in 5 EASY STEPS  
    • Great Resource
      • Wish I had used this one first
      • Very few steps involved
      • Visual aids to show where to put the makeup 
      • Provided many different tips (can be found below)
  • May 19th: No source 
    • Quick practice with winged liner 
  • May 20th: No source 
    • Quick practice with winged liner 
    • Added fun flowers with eyeliner
  • Tips I learned this week:
    • Start with lighter shades and progress to darker. Makes blending out the shadow a little easier. 
    • Can use lighter shades or a clean blending brush to blend out colours and lines
    • Priming the lids helps shadows stick to the eye
    • Important to keep your eyes open when doing shadows. 
    • Put liquid liner on the open side of a bobby pin and place it on the outer corner of the eye. Provides an outline of a wing, and can be helpful if you have shaky hands. 

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  • Zoom in of a closed eye. Eyelid is covered with a few shades of light brown and a little shimmer. There is a small wind visible near the upper lash line.

    1st time with Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial

    Done on May 12th

  • Close-up of closed eye. Lid is covered in a dark brown with a shimmer. there is a wing on the outer corner.

    2nd Try at Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial

    Done on May 15th

  • Close-up of a closed eye. The lid is covered in a shimmery bronze colour. The inner corner is a dark blue with blue sparkles on top. There is a medium-sized wing along the lash line.

    Only Try using Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial using Blue Eyeshadow

    Done May 16th

  • Close-up of a closed eye. The crease of the eye has a darker pink, while the lid is light pink with pink sparkles. There is a medium-sized black wing at the outer corner of the eye.

    Barbie Girl Eye Makeup in 5 EASY STEPS

    From May 17th.

  • Close-up of a closed eye. The lid is covered in shimmer and there is a small wing in the outer corner.

    Simple Wing: No Source

    From May 19th.

  • Close-up of the side of closed eye. There are three flowers beside the wing: one light blue, one dark blue, and one purple. Each flower has a green leaf.

    Eyeliner Flowers

    Done May 20th

Week 3: My Experience Walking the Line 

  • Decided to focus on eyeliner this week
  • Found all my inspiration photos from Pinterest
    • Tried YouTube videos, but was having a really hard time following the steps. 
  • Making curves with eyeliner was the hardest part
  • May 23rd
    • First
      • Good source
        • Photo is clear 
        • Close-up of the eye
        • Includes the product used to make the look
        • No other instructions
    • Second
      • Okay source
        • Photo is clear
        • Not a close-up of the eye
        • No other instructions
  • May 24th
    • Good source
      • Photo is clear
      • Close-up on the eye
      • No other instructions
  • May 25th: No Source
  • May 26
    • Good source
      • Photo is clear
      • Close-up of the eye
      • No other instructions
  • Tips I learned this week:
    • Place dots where you want the line, then connect the dots.

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Week 4: The Struggles of a Straight Line

  • Used Pinterest photos for inspiration
  • Attempted using a pencil liner, but found it too thick
  • May 27th
    • Okay resource
      • The photo is a little blurry
      • Can see each part of the eye look
      • Close-up of the eye
      • No further instructions
  • May 28th: no source
  • May 29th
    • Used it on May 24th
  • May 31st
    • Good resource
      • Can see each aspect of the eye look
      • Photo was clear
      • Close-up of the eye
      • No further instructions
  • June 2nd: no source
  • Tips I learned:
    • Sharpen pencil liner to make thinner outlines
    • Squeeze the liner brush between two fingers to make it smaller

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Week 5: All Rain Turns to Rainbows

  • Tips:
    • If you’re a beginner, use setting powder to make to make it less tacky and easier to blend
    • Use tape on the outer corner to sharpen the look and on the undereye to catch fallout
    • Can go back with previous colours to help blend out colours
    • Keep makeup wipes close, makes for easy clearing of brushes
    • White primer can help make colours pop

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  • close up of a slightly open eye. The lid has colour red, orange, yellow and green, with pink, purple and blue on the under eye. There is also a wing

    June 4th

  • Close up of slightly open eye with rainbow hearts along the wing line.

    June 5th

  • June 6th

  • close up of a slightly open eye. The lid has colour red, orange, yellow and green, with pink, purple and blue on the under eye. There is also a wing.

    June 7th

  • June 8th

Week 6: Who Knew Simple Could Mean Difficult?

  • I used YouTube and Pinterest for inspiration
  • June 11th:Soft Makeup With Bold But Soft Blue Eyeshadow
    • Okay source
      • The look was fairly simple but;
      • Did not show the shadows she was using, which made colour-matching hard
      • The video was not overly close to her eyes, which made it hard to follow
  • June 12th: My Go-To Everyday Eyeshadow Look Using Only 1 Brush!
    • Great resource
      • My first time using this was a struggle, for my faults. I did not have the colour I needed. I have used it a few times since and love it
      • It shows a close-up of her eyes
      • Uses only 4 colours
      • Provided good explanations and the colours she was using.
    • Made a winged liner after a failed attempt without a source. 
  • June 13th
    • Okay resource
      • The angle of photo makes it hard to see the look on both eyes
      • Filter on the photo makes it a little grainy
      • The photo is also a little dim

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  • Close up of closed eye. Black wing liner, which blue eyeshadow and silver shimmer.

    June 11th

  • Close up of closed eye. Deep brown outer corner, with bright silver lid.

    June 12th

  • Close up of closed eye. Winged liner with bluey purple sparkly inner corner.

    June 12th

    Done after a failed attempt at shadow

Takeaways from Online Learning and Blogging
1. Flexibility

My first takeaway from this project is that it allows for flexibility. This project was something we were able to build into our already busy schedules and relied on the time we were able to put into the project. This was a nice change of pace compared to other projects, as I would have weeks where I was able to put more time and effort in, while others were less productive. I was also able to choose when and where I did the project, rather than having a set time or space for it. Both these things made this project more approachable and forced me to put time aside to explore a creative outlet. 

2. Can find and use resources that suit learning

By taking learning online, people can explore many different videos, articles, apps, and websites to find information. They can conduct the research they need to complete the project, find inspiration for what to create, and explore tips on how to improve. But above all, they can explore resources that suit their learning styles, needs, and abilities. Online learning allows for a personalized learning experience, as there are very few stipulations on what can and can’t be used or done. 

3. Adapt it to what you are comfortable with

With online learning, there is no pressure to be perfect or get everything right the first time. It also allows people to learn from wherever they are most comfortable and share only what they want. This reduces the fear of failing or others watching, allowing people to take more risks in their learning. 

4. Confidence building

While exploring blogging, I became more comfortable presenting myself online. This project provided me a safe and supportive space to explore and learn about proper online presentation. It also showed me how fun being present online can be, as I was able to do something I really enjoy and share it with interested people. The support from classmates on these posts also improved my confidence, as I did not have to worry about ridicule or other negative interactions. They also helped me to become more confident in experimenting and wearing makeup outside of the house, which was a rare occurrence before. 

5. Community

My last takeaway from this project is that using a blog and personal learning journey assignment in a classroom can be a great way to foster a community. Everyone was able to see what others were learning and their processes. The commenting allowed people to provide compliments and tips to assist with people’s projects. It also allowed for the sharing of resources that we had explored and found useful.

Overall, this project was a fun learning experience that provided many new learning opportunities. I learned many new tricks for makeup, found some new sources I love, and built more confidence with exploring and wearing makeup. Although this blog will be coming to an end, my exploration of makeup will continue. And who knows, maybe I’ll finally learn how to do a full face of makeup!

Thank you for coming on this learning journey with me!

Fun with ChatGPT

Throughout elementary and middle school, AI was not something that teachers worried about, nor discussed. However, come 2017, it was one of the top stressors for my high school teachers. They continuously told us not to use any sort of AI tool to assist with our learning or assignments, as they knew it would have consequences. This put a lot of fear in me, to the point I avoided pretty well all of them, except some of the free photo AI filters on TikTok. So imagine my surprise when a presentation was assigned to watch in class that discusses how AI can be used within schools. 

I became very excited about this blog post, as I decided to finally try out ChatGPT, a virtual assistant and chatbot that focuses on conversations and language.

What ChatGPT looks like upon opening the website

I have been curious about this tool for a while as I have heard about it across many different social media platforms and from peers in University classes. I played around with the newest version until I hit the limit for questions and had to go to the older version. I was quite impressed with the different things ChatGPT could do, such as research, technical help, entertainment, and math problems. I also liked how it answered questions. It used jot notes and for questions about how to do something, it provided:

step-by-step instructions,
First four steps it provided for making a Concept Map
Last two steps for creating a Concept Map





examples of tools needed, 

Created an example of the process,

And a visual example.
Visual Concept Map ChatGPT created

I believe ChatGPT, if used appropriately, could be applied in many different ways in the classroom. For teaching, this could be:

  • Developing questions for quizzes, assignments, or worksheets.
  • Developing exemplars. 
  • Editing questions, exemplars, or assignments to incorporate a students interest
  • Create a list of topics for inquiries, essays, or other projects 
  • Create lesson plans
  • Create stories with students 
  • Creating writing prompts
  • Feedback on essays

These factors could all help improve student engagement. However, I would not use what is directly written by ChatGPT. I would edit each thing I generate so then it suits my students, is not bias, and is appropriate for the curriculum. 

When it comes to how this tool can be useful for students, there are many ways they could use it for, including:

  • Revise their paragraphs
  • Check over their work
  • Develop main and sub topics for assignments
  • Expand knowledge on a topic
  • Find resources
  • Create examples of things they do not know, such as a thesis statement, concept map, or making a video
  • Use it to rewrite unclear sentences or paragraphs

Despite how useful of a tool ChatGPT can be, there are some issues to be aware of. This tool can create essays for students and develop answers to questions. Ethically, this is not students work, and could include plagiarism, biases, or be inaccurate. It is also important to check the sources ChatGPT uses, as many of the questions I asked came back with answers from Wikipedia. 

Upon exploring ChatGPT and watching the presentation from June 17th, my personal perspective on AI in education has changed. As I stated before, in highschool, AI was seen in a very negative light as it always alluded to cheating. Now, I understand that, as long as students are educated on how to use them appropriately, they can be very useful tools. I also see how many people already use AI and believe its popularity will continue to grow. Thus, I think it is important to be ahead of the game and implement these tools into the classroom, where students can be taught to backtrace the research provided, identify biases in the replies, and learn how to use it as an assistant rather than the creator. 

Communicating in EDTC 300

Online communication has never been one of my strong suits, but this class provided many opportunities to improve. Before starting EDTC 300, I had never explored blogging and was apprehensive about trying it. However, it came to be something I really enjoyed doing. My favourite part was having a communication hub, Voices of EDTC 300, as I enjoyed exploring what others were learning over the term. 

I also appreciate including a group communication form, like Discord, as it creates a community learning aspect. I, however, became quite overwhelmed as people were quite active and I to find time to look through and respond. Thus, I did not communicate much on this form, but would often look through for advice when I was struggling or needed new resources. 

Thank you for creating such a welcoming community for learning! Have an amazing summer!

You can find the collection of my comments on this Google Slide.

Exploring Online Vocabulary and Issues

Unfortunately, on Thursday I was unable to make it to class as I was doing something with my family. Thus, I used this blog to catch up and research the topics.


Cyber-vigilantism was a topic I had heard about before but did not realize that it is typically not regulated by the law. Nor did I know it was used to impede or punish cybercrime, even if the vigilante is not the victim. I found this out from the website Cyber Wire.  I also looked at an article from Mount Royal University. This article states that vigilantism has been around since ancient times, but the internet allows millions of people to engage in a single act of vigilantism. It also stated that the reason for cyber vigilantism occurring can vary from serious issues, such as pedophilia, to simpler things. They also state that there is a fine line between vigilantism and harassment. This description brought a recent online controversy to my mind, as it started as something small and bordered on harassment. The controversy was between YouTubers SSSniperWolf and jacksfilms, which I heard about from the podcast Do We Know Them?

This controversy began because SSSniperWolf became a reaction channel that did and still does not give credit to the original videos that she is reacting to and reuses scenes multiple times in her videos to ensure she gets ads.

Screenshot of SSSniperWolf’s Channel

Due to this, jacksfilms decided to create a reaction channel, JJJacksfilms, in which he watched SSSniperWolf’s videos with a bingo card of things she does consistently in her videos. This controversy became dangerous when SSSniperWolf flew to the city jacksfilms lived in and started adding posts to her Instagram story where she told him to come outside and showed his house and address. I believe at the time, his wife was home as well, which made jacksfilms even more worried. 

The reason this came to mind is that jacksfilms thought he was helping these smaller creators by doing SSSniperwolf Bingo, when, in reality, he was straddling the line of vigilantism and harassment. It also started as a smaller issue, that became large and illegal when SSSniperWolf doxxed jacksfilms.

Cyber Violence and Shaming

When I started looking into cyber violence and shaming, my mind immediately went to a class I had in May. I took WGST (Women and Gender Studies) 100 this May, and one of the topics we had was online hate directed at women. For this topic, we watched a documentary called Backlash which was about how women can be targeted online. It focuses on women in power and those who are outspoken. It also demonstrates that the law has not caught up with the internet, as many of the women received direct threats online and, in most cases, the police were unable to do anything. This documentary also displayed how these issues can escalate to real-life dangers and threats. I highly recommend this documentary if you are curious about how serious these issues can become. 

Digital Footprints

Before researching digital footprints, I thought it was just to do with the things I post online. Upon looking at Kaspersky, I was shocked to find out that my digital footprint includes the websites I go to, emails I send, online shopping and any other information I put online. I was also scared to find out that apps collect data without us knowing. 

When it comes to having some of our digital footprint forgotten, I am on the fence about it. I agree that we have a right for some of the things we post to be forgotten, however, I think things like hate speech, bullying, harassment, and other negative things that are said online maybe shouldn’t be. Or the people who say them should have to prove somehow that they have changed. I think this as there are many YouTubers, such as Shane Dawson, James Charles,  and Colleen Ballinger, that have been in multiple, serious controversies and are still able to post on YouTube to their audience, many of whom are children, despite their controversies involving inappropriate interactions with minors.  

These topics are actually why I had stopped posting on social media regularly. I always stress about my words and photos being taken out of context, or affecting my ability to get a job. I have also dealt with online bullying and figured not posting was the best way to avoid it. However, I feel more confident in my knowledge of the online world and have begun becoming more active on social media.

Who Knew Simple Could Mean Difficult?

Well, this week did not go as I had planned. Originally, I had hoped to explore some simple eye makeup looks for my cousin’s graduation but I did not have as much time to play with makeup as I had hoped. However, I was able to explore a few different sources this week. 

Firstly, I did not have much time on June 10th, which resulted in me doing a simple cat eye wing. I did not follow a source for this look and forgot to take photos of the finished product. 

On the 11th, I had some extra time to explore a new source on YouTube. I decided I wanted to do something bright this day, which led me to look for a blue eyeshadow look, as I have heard it is supposed to make brown eyes pop. In my search, I came across Savannah Sylver’s video and decided to give it a try.

This makeup look was fairly simple but I did not have enough blue shades to get it the same as Savannah’s. Although the look was simple to follow, I was not a huge fan of this video. I struggled to choose the shades I needed as she did not show which shades in the pallet she was using for each step, like other videos I have watched. This made colour matching even more difficult as I did not have the pallet she was using, nor see the colours to try and match it with what I had. I also struggled knowing where to put the shadows as she did not say and the video was not overly zoomed in.

Close up of closed eye. Black wing liner, which blue eyeshadow and silver shimmer.
Finished eyeshadow look from June 11th.

For this day, I also took progression photos. Firstly, I took a photo of what my eyelid looked like primed with concealer, but not set with powder. By not setting it with powder, the lid remains tacky, which causes the shadows to appear brighter. However, setting it with powder can make the blending process smoother. 

Close up of closed eye. The lid has concealer
My eye prepped and ready for makeup.

I then added my lightest blue all over the lid and along the lower lash line. This was my first mistake, as I needed the lightest blue later on in the look, not right at the start. 

Close-up of closed eye. Lid and under
Base blue for the look.

The next step was adding a slightly darker blue to the crease. I felt like doing this created a harsh line, as the blue I chose was brighter and darker than that on my crease. I also struggled with blending the colours out. 

Close up of closed eye. light blue on the lid with a brighter blue crease.
Bright blue in the crease.

The third step was where I needed the lightest blue. However, I felt I saved this by using a shimmery aqua green on the inner corner. 

Close-up of closed eye. Light blue lid, blue crease, with a light green, shimmer, inner corner.
Addition of light blue shimmer on inner corner.

I then used a makeup wipe to reduce how high the colour went on my eyelid, before adding a cat eyeliner. 

Close-up of closed eye. Blue lid, bright blue crease, aqua inner corner
After a quick clean up.
Close-up of closed eye. Blue lid, bright blue crease, aqua inner corner. winged liner.
After adding eyeliner.









Lastly, I added a silvery shimmer all over the lid to try and help tie the look together.

Close up of closed eye. Black wing liner, which blue eyeshadow and silver shimmer.
Finished eyeshadow look from June 11th.

On the 12, I once again went to YouTube for inspiration. This day, I decided to try out a simple shadow look. This time, I came across Angela Bright’s video.

I, again, had a hard time with this look, but for my faults. I was at my parents this past week and did not bring many eyeshadow pallets with me. Thus, I did not have many options for neutral shades, resulting in a much darker eye look. I also used a silver shimmer for the look, which completely overpowered it. Aside from my faults, this video was really easy to follow. The creator explained where the shadows should go, showed which colour she was using for each step, and had the video zoomed in on her the entire time. Despite the video being good, I did not like the outcome of the look. 

Close up of closed eye. Deep brown outer corner, with bright silver lid.
Finished natural eye look.

Upon taking a photo of the look, I immediately removed it and did a simple cat eye wing with a shimmery inner corner. 

Close up of closed eye. Winged liner with bluey purple sparkly inner corner.
No sources used. Eyelook after failed attempt.

Lastly, on the 13th, I decided to try out a fun eyeliner, as I was not feeling up to doing eyeshadow. I chose to look at Pinterest as I find following a photo easier for eyeliner. 

Eyeliner inspiration from Pinterest.

I found this pin a little harder to follow than others, as the filter on it made it difficult to see the wings. However, I liked the outcome of the liner. 

Close up of closed eye. Two wings on the outer corner with an arrow in the middle of the eye.
Final product from June 13.

This learning post is coming out earlier than I normally do as I do not think I will have time for makeup this weekend. However, if that changes, I will make an update to this post!

The World of Coding

For this blog post, I decided to try out the Maps coding game on Hour of Code

I thought this game was really enjoyable. The coding in the game started simple, but still kind of challenging. However, as the levels progressed, the coding became harder.  I also enjoyed this game as it included history. The routes you were coding for were historical routes groups had taken. The game also included some facts along the top. I am a huge history nerd so I found these factors really interesting. 

I found it a lot easier to code when there were guidelines for where the transportation needed to go. I also enjoyed trying all the different codes, like multiple moves, moving until, and landing. However, I think students who lack confidence in their abilities may struggle with coding as it is a lot of trial and error. 

Example of level with guidelines
Example of level without guidelines





Overall, I knew I would enjoy this activity as I have done it before. In middle school, my science teacher was able to get a Sphero, which is a little robot that you can code using an app on an iPad. 

One type of Sphero
Example of coding








When we did this, we had to work in groups to create a code for Sphero to follow. I always found this enjoyable but could be frustrating as it was hard for everyone to get their opinions in. I liked doing coding on this website as I was able to do it on my own. I also enjoyed all the different options of games to try out. 

I think coding is extremely important as it is the way we can get new apps and websites. In school, I think coding is important as it can be a fun way to promote logical thinking and problem-solving skills in students. It is also something that fosters creative thinking, as students can choose how they set up the code. Lastly, it can help students gain confidence in their abilities as there is no harm in failing. If the students do not get the outcome they want, they are able to fix it and try again until they get it correct without criticism from others.

Educating Little Ones on Digital Literacy

Although I am working on my Inclusive Education certificate, I am still doing my Bachelor of Early Elementary Education. Thus, the age range I hope to teach in the future is Pre-K to Grade 3. For this range, I think teaching digital literacy can vary, thus I decided to focus on Pre-K and Kindergarten as I figured these grades would be learning similar things. 

For these younger grades, I plan on creation different lessons on the 5 C’s of critical consuming that was discussed in John Spencer’s  YouTube video.

This video provides the basics for figuring out if something is fake news, which is important for young children as they have not had much experience analyzing these factors. I would start by providing rich examples as suggested in the Developing Critical Literacies: What We Need to Know in a “Fake News” World, as it can helpful to use real-life examples. I would use these fake and real examples of articles to begin teaching about the contexts of articles. As a class, we would look for the date of the article, where it comes from, how these events have changed since the article was written and if there is new information on the topic. We would then look at credibility. During this time, I would introduce different investigative techniques and websites, as suggested in How do we teach students to identify fake news?. I would introduce, Snopes and Google’s reverse image search as these are websites I wish I had known about earlier.  We would also look through different examples and check for the site’s reputation in journalism, if credible sources were cited, and see if it is actually an ad disguised as a news story. 

Prior to looking at how articles are constructed, I would teach the students about what a bias is and how to identify it as both Developing critical Literacies and How do we teach students to identify fake news? state that these are important pieces to learning about digital literacy. Once students have a decent understanding of biases, we will analyze the construction of the articles to look for loaded words, omissions, and see if there is a distinguishment between facts and opinions. 

For both corroboration and comparing, they will be learning how to read ‘laterally’, as we will work together to look for other credible sources to ensure that other articles make the same claim. We will also be using other websites to compare the stories from different perspectives. Lastly, I would try to instil the idea that we cannot always believe what we see and to always question everything, as it nurtures a critical disposition. 

For Pre-K and Kindergarten students, I think digital literacy can be tied to their English Language curriculum as there is an outcome where they must comprehend and respond to different visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts about identity, community and social responsibility. Some of the indicators include finding information from others, comparing their gathered ideas, sharing their ideas, and asking a variety of questions. For this, students may need to look at online sources, thus they would have to determine whether they are looking at a real source or not. I think this could also be tied to all their classes, as students may have to do research that involves them finding real and credible news sources.

By teaching students the 5 C’s of critical consuming, I would be incorporating having students participate effectively and critically in the networked world. This would be done as students will learn how to tell real news sources from fake sources and how to know if something is an ad or not. By teaching the students to corroborate and compare to other sources, they would be doing the goal of exploring and engaging critically, thoughtfully, and across a variety of texts and tools. By comparing, they are getting new and different information that allows them to see the world in new ways. This would also hit the first part of the goal; consume, curate, and create actively across contexts, as they will be learning how to find reliable sources to consume. They would also be curating as they are evaluating the content they find before they use or share it. We would be hitting the goal of building intentional global and cross-cultural connections and relationships with others to pose and solve problems collaboratively while strengthening independent thought, as we would be working together to analyze articles and websites.  

I would implement the goal to promote culturally sustaining communication and recognize the bias and privilege present in the interactions by teaching students how to recognize biases. We would also learn about oppression and how to recognize patterns of discourse. Students would hit the goal of examining the rights, responsibilities, and ethical implications of the use and creation of information, as they learn to collaborate and compare to other sources. They will do this to consider the information from multiple sources. We will also discuss how students can use the information effectively and appropriately.

All Rain Turns to Rainbows

For my learning adventure this week, I focused on pride-inspired makeup using a couple of sources from YouTube. The first look I tried came from the creator Chloe Morello, and I was scared to start.

I had expected it to be difficult to follow the video and get the eye look similar. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I found this video easier to follow than any others I have used for this project. This video did not include visual markers for where to place the makeup, but she provided verbal directions and kept the footage on her eyes the entire time. It also helped that she went from the lightest to the darker colours, as it was easy to go back and add or blend them out.

close up of a slightly open eye. The lid has colour red, orange, yellow and green, with pink, purple and blue on the under eye. There is also a wing
Rainbow eye look done on June 4.

 For this lookI used four different pallets and about 17 colours. This is the most I have ever used and I absolutely love the outcome of the look. 

Sheglam Fin Within Palette from Shein.
ELF 18 Hit Wonders Pallet from Walmart.
Beauty Glazed Colour Cube from Amazon.
Glazzi 99 Colors Eyeshadow Palette from Amazon.








The second video I used this week came from the creator Alexandra Anele, and included three different graphic eyeliner looks.

I decided to try out the first look and adapted it to how I wanted it. Rather than doing rainbow dots, I changed it to rainbow hearts. I found this look easy, as I just had to place a dot, and then make two lines that joined at the dots.

It was also a fun and subtle way to show pride at work. This is a look I recommend for beginners as it does not take much to do and the video is easy to follow.

Close up of slightly open eye with rainbow hearts along the wing line.
Rainbow look done on June 5.

The next video I used came from maybelinenewyork, but the person who did the look was Gabriel Zamora. I found this video harder to follow as the camera kept pulling in and out of his eyes. This made it difficult to know if I was putting the shadows in the right spot. I was also struggling to get a good pigment with the shadows as they were no sticking to the eye. Usually in this case, I would prime the lid with either primer or concealer, but I forgot them at my apartment. This was probably my least favourite look all week, as it did not come out how I hoped. 

close up of closed eye. yellow on the inner corner, green in the middle of the lid, and blue along the outside.
The left side of the rainbow look I did on June 6th.
Close up of slightly open eye. yellow on inner corner and slow transitions into a redish pink.
The right side of a rainbow look I did on June 6



The rainbow eye look together from June 6th.

On the 7th, I made a second attempt at the rainbow look from Chloe Morello. I found it even easier to do as I had tried it before. I also did not need to use as many pallets this time as I was able to get all the colours really pigmented by spraying the brush with setting spray and priming my lids. 

close up of a slightly open eye. The lid has colour red, orange, yellow and green, with pink, purple and blue on the under eye. There is also a wing.
My second attempt on the rainbow eye look from June 7th.

On the 8th, I followed Alexandra Anele’s video again, this time using the colours of the Pansexual flag. I, again, created hearts and found this look easy to follow. 

My second attempt at the dot liner look on June 8th.

Lastly, I created a look without using a source. I just made a small black wing, then made hearts along the top of the wing. I found this look really cute and easy to complete.

Close up of closed eyes. a black wing with hearts in the colour of the rainbow along the wing.
Makeup look from June 9. No source used.

Here are a few tips I learned this week:

  1. If your a beginner, use setting powder to make to make it less tacky and easier to blend
  2. Use tape on the outer corner to sharpen look and on the undereye to catch fallout
  3. Can go back with previous colours to help blend out colours
  4. Keep makeup wipes close, makes for easy clearing of brushes
  5. White primer can help make colours pop

I had a lot of fun with this week’s looks. I was planning on learning how to do a full face of  makeup this week. However, I am at my parents and forgot the majority of the makeup I need. Thus, I will probably focus on either pride looks or a more natural look for my cousins grad.

Planning for Digital Citizenship

As someone who has grown up with technology always available, I plan to teach my future students through a ‘one-life’ perspective. This was discussed in Education for the Digital Age and involves using technology in school and conversations in the context of the community and society. I believe this is the only way to teach students about digital citizenship, as technology has become integral in almost all aspects of life and is used almost daily in schools. The approach I plan to take when teaching digital citizenship is through educating students. By having lessons, activities, and conversations about this topic, students are more likely to understand the responsibilities, uses, and dangers of being online. This can result in students making positive and good choices online.

I also plan to have classroom rules about devices and times when technology cannot be used. I have this plan as it can help teach students the importance of taking a break. It would also provide time for students and educators to connect and build relationships without technology, as it has become rare, as stated in The IRL Fetish. Lastly, I would find guest speakers to come and discuss their experiences online. They could discuss some issues they have experienced, how they dealt with it, and how it affected them. I might also get a police officer or someone in law enforcement who can talk about how students can protect themselves online and their responsibilities.

When I thought about how I may teach digital access, my mind immediately went to an introduction sheet. Since beginning my education degree, I have had many different courses suggest sending out a ‘Get to Know Me’ questionnaire to families before classes start. These sheets would consist of a variety of questions, such as favourite subject and other interests. On this sheet, I would include a question about what technology their child has at home and in their community. This would provide information on which families may need extra resources and lessons sent home.

An example of a ‘getting to know you’ sheet

When teaching digital commerce, I would start by asking the students if they have ever bought or sold anything online and how that experience was. We would then have a few different lessons on how to notice if a website is safe for them to put in their information and how public computers and Wi-Fi can access information. I would also include a lesson about how apps can follow what you search, like, and buy and use that information to promote products. This would also be a good time to converse about how influencers gain most of their money through sponsorships, where they are paid to promote items to their audiences. While I was doing some extra research into digital commerce and how to teach it, I came across a PBS Learning Media sight that has free videos for different grades about digital commerce. Upon further investigation, they seem to have resources for all aspects of digital citizenship.

Screenshot of a few videos and other resources available.

To teach digital communication and collaboration, I would begin with lessons and conversations on appropriate comments and presentations online. I would also have a space online where students can create their profiles and share their thoughts about different lessons. The students would comment on each other’s posts as well. This space would vary depending on the grade I was teaching. For the older grades (6-12), this would be on X or WordPress. I would have to research what website or app would be appropriate for the younger grades to use.

With teaching digital etiquette, I, again, would begin with a conversation about how students should present and interact online. We could discuss how people might feel when an interaction is negative or positive, and how to talk to friends and family vs. teachers and bosses. I would then have the students create some rules about digital etiquette that focus on the dos. We would then come up with consequences for not following them.

When it comes to teaching digital fluency, I plan to teach lessons on different ways to figure out if information, news and people online are fake or real. This would include videos, like below, and looking through websites and other online sources. Once it seems like the students have a good understanding, they would be directed to quizzes, such as Find the Fake, Break the Fake, and Spot the Troll to look at more examples and use their knowledge.

For digital health and welfare, I would start by asking how long the students are on their devices and what they are doing on there. I would also display my screen time and discuss how I spend my time online. This would continue by talking about how this time spent online could be harmful mentally and physically, and the tricks apps use to get you to open them. I would try to include time throughout the day when students have a break from all the technology. Lastly, the students would have time to create a ‘Break Schedule’, in which they write out other activities they could do besides being on tech, and plan times throughout the day for technology breaks.

When thinking about how I might teach digital law, I immediately thought about inviting a police officer or someone else involved in law enforcement to come and talk with the class. They would know more about the more serious issues that can occur online. I would also have some lessons where we discuss what online bullying can look like and how to treat people online. I would also have a conversation with them about the consequences the school and my classroom have in place for online issues.

When it comes to teaching digital rights and responsibilities, we would have a lesson about the expectations and freedoms they have online. We would focus on their responsibility for sharing information. There would be a discord or another chatting app/website where students can share information, ask questions, and answer their peers.

Lastly, with digital security and privacy, we would first have a lesson on privacy features included in social media apps students use. I would go over the different features and why they are important. We would also converse about how private and personal information should not be given out or posted online. Then, we would focus on how viruses, worms, and other issues can be passed to computers, and how some apps, such as Norton, can help to protect and detect these issues. I would also bring up virtual private network (VPN) apps, like NordVPN, which can help protect data and private information.