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Month: January 2023

Being a Good Student

Being a Good Student

What does it mean to be a “good” student according to the commonsense? Which students are privileged by this definition of the good student? How is the “good” student shaped by historical factors? Being a “good student” according to common sense is being a student that conforms and is easily controlled, as thought by Kumushiro. He wanted his students to follow his directions and became frustrated when his students dd not want to learn at the pace he was teaching….

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Sex Education in the Ontario Curriculum

Sex Education in the Ontario Curriculum

I chose to look into sex education for my critical summary and for this blog post I decided to summarize an article which looks into and discusses parent reactions to the implementation of the Ontario sex education curriculum in 2015 and 2019. The article explains that in response to the 2015 curriculum many parents were keeping their children home from school in protest. With the change of government in 2018, there was a temporary sex education curriculum put into place that…

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Tyler’s Rationale

Tyler’s Rationale

Tyler’s rationale focuses on efficiency over creativity which I have seen in my own schooling in terms of test taking and following along with the division mandated textbook. While following the textbook can be a great guideline to what your students should be learning, it also ensures that everyone is learning the same information across the school division. In some classes, like math, we would go through the textbook at a steady pace; in most science classes, however, I do…

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As discussed by Kumashiro in his introduction, common sense can be defined as the most routine and socially acceptable way of doing and interacting within each community, city, or country. Common sense goes unquestioned and are “things that everyone should know”, like schools being open every Monday to Friday and from September to June. Kumashiro reflected on his time in Nepal and about how the lone town faucet was used throughout the day was common sense to those who lived…

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