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Month: November 2023

I sucked at “Spot the Troll”, don’t let our students experience the same.

I sucked at “Spot the Troll”, don’t let our students experience the same.

After this week’s lecture and activities for identifying fake news, I realized that this is an important skill to teach students…and also that I suck at it. I am a middle years education student, so my ideal grade range is anywhere from grades 5 to 8/9, so they have a decent ability to work independently. So when teaching my students about digital literacy, I am able to give them tools to use in addition to information and group discussions. Anything…

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Pros and Cons of Tik Tok

Pros and Cons of Tik Tok

Hey guys! In this post I am going to be discussing my experiences with editing using Tik Tok which I used to edit this (last) week’s video. Pros: I love that Tik Tok makes it super easy to delete clips immediately after filming. I also love that the app allows you to immediately see how your clips will flow together/transition while filming. Filming takes place on the app so I don’t need to use a lot of storage on my…

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Hour of Code

Hour of Code

On Monday I played Code Monkey on Hour of Code… It utilized block coding and the objective was to create a game where the monkey could jump over obstacles to reach the end and collect a star. I learned how to add sound effects and other sprites as well as placing events on a loop. I also changed the ‘jump’ function to activate by pressing the space bar rather than clicking the game screen. Here is a video of my…

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Pros and Cons of Using iMovie

Pros and Cons of Using iMovie

I decided that for this week’s and next week’s post I am going to film a day in the life and then compare the editing softwares I used. This week I used iMovie, which I have used for almost all my videos. Next week I will explore more of what TikTok has to offer. Of my experiences with iMovie, including this week, here’s a list of pros and cons… Pros: Pretty user friendly and easy to get started You can…

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Life of a University Student

Life of a University Student

Well I managed to get this video done on time, but I’m working double my usual hours next week soooo hopefully I don’t fall behind in my classes again. Why is school so stressful this year? I’ve never had this problem before. Anyways, this week I decided to film an advice video for my imaginary viewers who may be entering university next fall. I listed ten things so I had to add text to my video when saying each one….

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