Food Advertisement Strategies

Food Advertisement Strategies

Subject/Grade: Grade 7 – Health           Lesson Title: Analyzing Food Advertisements                        Teacher:

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results


USC7.5  Evaluate personal food choices and needs by applying accurate and current nutritional knowledge.

d) Analyze persuasion, propaganda, and other techniques (e.g., loaded words, unsubstantiated claims) used by individuals or organizations to influence judgement about what foods are healthy and what foods to purchase.

Key Understandings: (‘I Can’ statements)

I can identify the purpose of an advertisement.

I can identify different advertising strategies used by companies.

I can determine why it is important to learn about said strategies.

Instructional Strategies:

Asking questions to check student understanding, very class discussion focused.

Worksheet for students to organize their understanding.

Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning

Formative Assessment: 

Class Participation (hands up, giving answers, paying attention)

Stage 3: Build Learning Plan

Set (Engagement):                                       Length of Time:

Begin with a guided discussion and write answers on the board.

What is the purpose of an advertisement or commercial? (To sell or promote something)

What are the commercials usually trying to sell or advertise? (food/restaurants, appliances, government ads/MADD, banking services, tv shows/movies, toys)

What makes for a good commercial? 

(music, sports stars/celebrities/characters, excitement, slogans/jingles)

Does anyone know other strategies advertisers use to help sell their product? (ideal families, bandwagon, pull at your heart strings, making their product look bigger, deceiving language (the taste of real…, natural, new, simple), use facts/comparisons, repetition, “coolness”


Development:                                              Length of Time:

Today we are going to be focusing specifically on food advertisements. Circle “food” on board.

Explain worksheet. Ask if everyone understands. 

Have someone hand out the sheets as I draw one on the board and bring up the slideshow. 

View commercials and list which strategies they used as a class (one by one) and I’ll fill out the sheet with them.

Learning Closure:                                          Length of Time:

Ask students closing discussion questions:

Why is it important to learn about advertising gimmicks and strategies?

  • Youth are more vulnerable and will be easily convinced they need a product. 
  • Kids impact their parents’ spending habits. 
  • On social media platforms/tv channels/shows and you are faced with so many food ads, primarily junk food over healthy food. 
  • To develop the skills and step back and think before buying a product especially when seeing it promoted by a celebrity or influencer.



 You’ve Gotta Have a Gimmick!: A Lesson in Junk Food Advertising


Food Commercials




Whiteboard marker

Teacher computer


Possible Adaptations/





Management Strategies:


Don’t start the video until any side conversations stop.



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