Stereotyping and Discrimination in Zootopia

Stereotyping and Discrimination in Zootopia

Subject: Health 5       Lesson: Stereotyping and Discrimination in Zootopia 

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

Outcome: USC5.4 Analyse the connections between personal identity and personal well-being, and establish strategies to develop and support a positive self-image.

d) Define stereotyping (i.e., a set of characteristics or a fixed idea considered to represent a particular kind of person), prejudice (i.e., preconceived negative or hostile views toward a person or group of persons based on ignorance and stereotyping), and discrimination (i.e., unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice).

Key Understandings: (‘I Can’ statements)

I can define stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

I can spot situations in a video and/or text where stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination are shown.

Essential or Key Questions:

What are the differences between stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination?

What are some examples in texts/media of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination?

Prerequisite Learning:

Students must know how to take notes while watching a film.

Instructional Strategies: 

Group Discussion/Lecture (to learn the new vocabulary)

Movie & Notetaking (to identify scenarios)

Group Discussion & JamBoard (to collaborate and share ideas)

Exit Slip (to check understanding and get thinking about next lesson)

Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning

Formative Assessment- Exit Ticket which asks students to match the word to the definitions and to start thinking about how experiencing these may impact one’s identity

Stage 3: Build Learning Plan

Set (Engagement):                                  Length of Time: < 10 mins

Begin by discussing vocabulary: stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

Stereotyping (+/- Idea): a widely held fixed idea considered to represent a particular kind of person. Ex. Blondes are dumb.                                      Prejudice (Negative Belief): having negative or hostile views towards a person or group of people based on ignorance and stereotypes. Ex. A man says his female co-workers belong at home.       Discrimination (Action): Unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice. Ex. Not hiring someone based on the colour of their skin.

Check for understanding and give more examples if needed.

Development:                                       Length of Time: 2.25-2.5 hrs

Announce that you will be viewing the movie Zootopia, and that they will be given a handout to write down all the examples of stereotyping, prejudice, or discrimination they can find (the handout they are given will determine which one to focus on).

Watch the movie and remind the students to write down their examples. This may take multiple class periods.


When done watching the movie, group all of the kids with the same topic together and have them discuss their answers and write down their best examples on sticky notes. Meanwhile, the teacher writes stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination on the board. 

When done collaborating, have each group come and share their ideas and place their sticky notes by the correct word. Once all groups have presented, comment on any similar scenarios under different words. 

Learning Closure:                                         Length of Time: 5 mins

To finish off the lesson, students will answer an exit ticket that summarises the lesson and get them thinking about their next lesson.


Movie: Zootopia 




Whiteboard Marker

Sticky Notes

Hand-Out & Exit Slip 


Possible Adaptations/


You could also have students look for all three and then discuss their findings with their table groups.


Management Strategies:

3-2-1 to get attention

Walk around room to stop side conversations


Safety Considerations:

Keep the classroom clear of mess for visually impaired students and for all students when watching the movie in the dark.

If you allow snacks for the movie, check for allergies.


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