There, Their, and They’re Mini Lesson

There, Their, and They’re Mini Lesson


-they’re is a contraction for they are. It usually refers to a group of people. 

-their shows ownership of something. I drew a person on the ‘i’ to help you remember this. 

-there usually shows location (a clue is you can place it here or there) but is also used as the default ex. “Shoes belong over there (location)” vs. “There are people eating at Boston Pizza.”

Offer Examples: list off examples 

what are they doing? They’re watching tv 

-do you think we can borrow their car to drive to the park?

-Set up the chairs over there. 

Guided Practice: have students guess which there is used in each sentence

THEIR favourite colour is blue

-The bathroom is over THERE

-THEY’RE studying at the library. 

-THERE are no more rooms left. 

Have students create their own sentences using there (one person for each in the class). 

Independent Practice: have them go through their own writing and correct any “there’s” used in the wrong context.

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