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Day: January 11, 2024



Assessment Literacy Pt.1 These were my results from the assessment literacy quiz. My percents are very low because I’ve never really assessed anything before, and the things I have weren’t given back to the students. I’m excited to learn new things in the course and see how my knowledge of assessment expands throughout the semester.       Assessment Literacy Pt. 2 These were my results at the end of the semester from the assessment literacy quiz. As you can…

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Week 1 Summary

Week 1 Summary

This first class began with a survey on, we learned a little about our fellow “staff” and I found it interesting to note that most people enrolled in this class would like to teach Grades 1-5 or 10-12, I fall into the middle years area. We had a brief interruption by an academic advisor who told us about some upcoming deadlines and events for education students. We then had time to complete an assessment of assessment, where we shared…

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