

Assessment Literacy Pt.1

These were my results from the assessment literacy quiz. My percents are very low because I’ve never really assessed anything before, and the things I have weren’t given back to the students. I’m excited to learn new things in the course and see how my knowledge of assessment expands throughout the semester.




Assessment Literacy Pt. 2

These were my results at the end of the semester from the assessment literacy quiz. As you can see, I have improved in a few areas probably because I have been able to practice assessment both in this class and my pre-internship. The area in which I struggled the most was using division or provincial assessments to guide my teaching which did not seem to be a priority for my co-op; he liked to do what was best for his students.


Growth Mindset

After completing the growth mindset quiz, I received a score of 18, which means I generally have a growth mindset but have some fixed ideas. I believe my results are an accurate representation of how I feel. Theoretically, I know having a growth mindset can help you achieve so much more, but it’s harder for me to actually apply that to my own thinking at this time.

Shared Responsibility of Assessment

This quiz shows that I have a good belief in shared responsibility between the students and teacher. I believe the students bring so much knowledge from their life and previous experiences, funds of knowledge, but that ultimately the teacher is the one who controls the learning and the grading.

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