A Little About Me

A Little About Me

Hi! My name is Hailey Jorgensen and I am a third year education student. I am from small town Redvers, Saskatchewan. I have recently moved to Regina, but back home I have three younger siblings, two brothers (ages 16 and 8) and a sister (age 14), and three dogs. I love to read, my favourite genres in YA are contemporary, dystopian, and historical fiction. I also enjoy baking, and was designated as the household baker in elementary school. Even though I have been away from home for a year, they still haven’t assigned somebody else to that position and I end up baking every time I visit. My favourite TV show is Gilmore Girls and my favourite music artist is Taylor Swift.

I will be attending the Taylor Swift concert movie in October, so if you are also wanting to watch what will be an amazing cinematic experience click here, to buy tickets.

Family Photo
A Family Photo from a few years ago.
Photo Credit: Kirk Pilapil

I would say the knowledge I gathered from experiences with educational technology were average. In Grade 7 shop class, our teacher had us do a mini unit on photography and using photoshop, but it was so long ago I don’t remember much of it. I also have the basic skills needed to use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. I joined yearbook in Grade 7 and became co-editor in Grade 10, therefore I have lots of experience using the program we used to layout the yearbook pages.

I think blogging can be a great way to write out your thoughts, quick research, lesson plans, and other work with the world. As we have read so far in this class, I have also learned that using a blog or ePortfolio will be helpful in getting a job. Although right now I do not blog much outside of school, I think it could be a great tool for me to continue using as I head on through my teaching career.

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