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Author: Hailey Jorgensen

Week 4 Reflection

Week 4 Reflection

We began this class by finishing our rubric activity we started yesterday. In breakout rooms, we had to brainstorm responses that a fifth grade student would have said about our geometry question. Then we had to organize those responses into three categories: math terms, descriptions, and measurements. The third step had us creating the “adequate” column of a rubric and rated the sample answer to our rubric. This step left me very confused because the criteria was from various outcomes,…

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Chapters 5&6

Chapters 5&6

Chapter 5: Evidence of Learning Chapter 6: Involving Students in a Classroom Assessment Group Members: Charlee A., Abigail G., Hailey J., Bridget M., Kari M., Kianna W. In chapter five, one of the great things we noticed was that there was a huge list on page 47 that provides many ways you can assess through observation, since in many of our experiences assessment was primarily made through products. Some examples in the list include: drama presentations, predicting, conflict resolution, storytelling,…

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Professional Learning Plan

Professional Learning Plan

Hailey Jorgensen Department of Education, University of Regina ECS 401: Educational Assessment Dr. Chris Atkinson January 30, 2024 There is only one month until my pre-internship and I have very little knowledge about assessment. I do know there are two types of assessment: formative and summative, which are done for constructive/adaptive purposes and as a final representation of your learning, respectively. I have done some self and peer assessments both in school and professionally which were both done to identify…

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Chapters 3&4

Chapters 3&4

Chapter 3: Beginning with the End in Mind Chapter 4: Describing Success Group Members: Charlee A., Abigail G., Hailey J., Bridget M., Kari M., Kianna W. In chapter three, we discussed how it was important once you figure out your end goal (outcome) to come up with a variety of ways for students to show their work. Forcing someone who is not good at art to draw a poster in English is not going to be a fair evaluation for…

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Week 3 Reflection

Week 3 Reflection

This class again started with our Learning Circle discussion about chapters three and four (click here for discussion summary). The main points we discussed was the importance of including parents and providing samples and examples. As a student, I always appreciate(d) when samples are given because then I know what to work towards to achieve student success. I know what layout the teacher likes and about how long to make the questions, and I always found it much more useful…

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Week 2 Reflection

Week 2 Reflection

We started off the class with our Learning Circles talking about the first two chapters of our text (click here for discussion summary), the main thing we talked about was including students in the assessment process at the correct times to ensure maximum student success. As a student, I didn’t really care about being involved in the rubric making process maybe because I felt I would perform well either way. It was more common to receive a copy of the…

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Chapters 1&2

Chapters 1&2

Chapter 1: Making Classroom Assessment Work Chapter 2: Building the Foundation for Classroom Assessment Group Members: Charlee A., Abigail G., Hailey J., Bridget M., Kari M., Kianna W. Going through the text, my group felt it was important to note that it’s not how the student starts off the lesson or unit with, but how much they grew. This was the main area of discussion. The parachute example (p.2) also reminded us that when a teacher decides to evaluate is…

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Assessment Literacy Pt.1 These were my results from the assessment literacy quiz. My percents are very low because I’ve never really assessed anything before, and the things I have weren’t given back to the students. I’m excited to learn new things in the course and see how my knowledge of assessment expands throughout the semester.       Assessment Literacy Pt. 2 These were my results at the end of the semester from the assessment literacy quiz. As you can…

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Week 1 Summary

Week 1 Summary

This first class began with a survey on, we learned a little about our fellow “staff” and I found it interesting to note that most people enrolled in this class would like to teach Grades 1-5 or 10-12, I fall into the middle years area. We had a brief interruption by an academic advisor who told us about some upcoming deadlines and events for education students. We then had time to complete an assessment of assessment, where we shared…

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Hey guys! Sadly the semester has come to an end. It has been probably the hardest semester in terms of stress in my school, work, and personal life, but I sure had a lot of fun learning in this class and following along with a few of your learning projects! I made it a mission to comment at least 3 times a week, and have a total of 32 comments on blog posts. I have included it in a link…

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