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Author: Hailey Jorgensen

I sucked at “Spot the Troll”, don’t let our students experience the same.

I sucked at “Spot the Troll”, don’t let our students experience the same.

After this week’s lecture and activities for identifying fake news, I realized that this is an important skill to teach students…and also that I suck at it. I am a middle years education student, so my ideal grade range is anywhere from grades 5 to 8/9, so they have a decent ability to work independently. So when teaching my students about digital literacy, I am able to give them tools to use in addition to information and group discussions. Anything…

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Pros and Cons of Tik Tok

Pros and Cons of Tik Tok

Hey guys! In this post I am going to be discussing my experiences with editing using Tik Tok which I used to edit this (last) week’s video. Pros: I love that Tik Tok makes it super easy to delete clips immediately after filming. I also love that the app allows you to immediately see how your clips will flow together/transition while filming. Filming takes place on the app so I don’t need to use a lot of storage on my…

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Hour of Code

Hour of Code

On Monday I played Code Monkey on Hour of Code… It utilized block coding and the objective was to create a game where the monkey could jump over obstacles to reach the end and collect a star. I learned how to add sound effects and other sprites as well as placing events on a loop. I also changed the ‘jump’ function to activate by pressing the space bar rather than clicking the game screen. Here is a video of my…

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Pros and Cons of Using iMovie

Pros and Cons of Using iMovie

I decided that for this week’s and next week’s post I am going to film a day in the life and then compare the editing softwares I used. This week I used iMovie, which I have used for almost all my videos. Next week I will explore more of what TikTok has to offer. Of my experiences with iMovie, including this week, here’s a list of pros and cons… Pros: Pretty user friendly and easy to get started You can…

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Life of a University Student

Life of a University Student

Well I managed to get this video done on time, but I’m working double my usual hours next week soooo hopefully I don’t fall behind in my classes again. Why is school so stressful this year? I’ve never had this problem before. Anyways, this week I decided to film an advice video for my imaginary viewers who may be entering university next fall. I listed ten things so I had to add text to my video when saying each one….

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“Don’t talk to strangers.”

“Don’t talk to strangers.”

Growing up, I received two different pieces of advice regarding cyber safety: Don’t talk to strangers, and Don’t send explicit photos online, it’s pornography and by distributing you could go to jail. While these are great pieces of advice (which we received every year in like one or two health classes), we were never told what our presence online SHOULD look like. Additionally, when youth are told things they shouldn’t do…they are probably going to do it. Scare tactics do…

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It’s been VERY hectic week.

It’s been VERY hectic week.

So, this is my post for last week. I really meant to get this up earlier buttttt last week was also the start of my internship (basically a sixth class). I didn’t realize how big the effect of adding a class AND consequently losing an entire homework day would be. Now that I’ve been living this hectic life for over a week now, I am hoping to finally get caught up over this weekend. Anyways, this week I watched a…

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Things Have Changed since Dial Up Internet

Things Have Changed since Dial Up Internet

Oh, dial up internet…I remember hearing this sound every time my mom wanted to use the internet to browse Facebook: Growing up on a farm it was almost impossible to find a wifi provider that actually worked. We finally found one that works most of the time in 2019, just before the pandemic hit and online learning commenced. Though I had an iPod and Kobo, I did not get a phone until I was 15, and I received my laptop…

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…my life is boring.

…my life is boring.

This week I wanted to change it up from my usual vlog. In fact, I filmed a vlog for this week but ditched it because my life is kinda boring and I usually do the same things everyday anyways. So because the vlog got trashed, I had to come up with a new video to film. So what was this idea I came up with? According to this article by Vogue and my personal YouTube exploration, “Get Ready with Me” videos…

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Shape and Space 6.1

Shape and Space 6.1

EMTH 217 Grade 6 Unit Plan SS6.1- Hailey Jorgensen   Unit Plan Outcome: SS6.1 Demonstrate understanding of angles including: identifying examples, classifying angles, estimating the measure, determining angle measures in degrees, drawing angles, applying angle relationships in triangles and quadrilaterals.   Salt and Pepper (E) Mild (B) Medium (A) Spicy (M) Identify, draw, measure, and classify angles using a variety of methods. 4, 8 I can identify angles in real world situations. I can draw right angles, and angles larger…

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