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Category: EDTC 300 Blog Posts

Week 7 Reflection

Week 7 Reflection

And we’re back after an extra week off! We began this class by checking in on how our break went and how we’re doing on our upcoming assignments for this class. My break wasn’t very restful but I was able to squeeze in some Modern Family. As for our assignments, I do have to add my own thoughts a bit more throughout the Dialogue Paper and I also have a pretty good idea for the expectations of the Assessment Demonstration thanks…

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Hey guys! Sadly the semester has come to an end. It has been probably the hardest semester in terms of stress in my school, work, and personal life, but I sure had a lot of fun learning in this class and following along with a few of your learning projects! I made it a mission to comment at least 3 times a week, and have a total of 32 comments on blog posts. I have included it in a link…

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That’s a Wrap!

That’s a Wrap!

If you’ve been reading my blogs, you’ll know that my learning project for the semester was filming and editing videos. I am in a huge YouTube vlogger phase, so I wanted to make my own. Here’s how my project went: Week 1: Capturing the Every Day I discussed wanting to film a “Day in the Life” once a week using Tik Tok (which I haven’t had until this project). I wanted to do more short form videos and specifically learn…

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And now the end is near – Summary of Learning

And now the end is near – Summary of Learning

Hey guys! Posted below is my summary of learning video. If you recall from my recent learning project post, Loom only allows five minutes of free filming per video, so I had to limit this video to exactly five minutes and it was very tough to talk about everything in such a short amount of time! I couldn’t film an outro, but just wanted to say that I’ve had a blast learning new things in this course and hearing about…

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AI < Good Education

AI < Good Education

For this week’s blog post, I decided to test out the program Tome. This AI tool gives layouts for various projects but can also generate entire presentations on various topics. In the video below, you can see the fruit fundraiser presentation it made for the imaginary school that I work at. How could this tool be used to enhance teaching? Could it aid in personalized learning, automate administrative tasks, or provide new ways of engaging students? Tome could be used…

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Lesson Plan Sharing with LOOM!

Lesson Plan Sharing with LOOM!

Because the end of the year is looming ahead, I thought it’d be fun to take a peek at the lesson plans I’ve created these past couple of years using Loom (see what I did there?). I’ve made a quick 2-Part video series posted below that gives you an overview of each lesson. Anyways, I went through and posted all of my lesson plans to my website so you can take a look at them and maybe save them for…

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I sucked at “Spot the Troll”, don’t let our students experience the same.

I sucked at “Spot the Troll”, don’t let our students experience the same.

After this week’s lecture and activities for identifying fake news, I realized that this is an important skill to teach students…and also that I suck at it. I am a middle years education student, so my ideal grade range is anywhere from grades 5 to 8/9, so they have a decent ability to work independently. So when teaching my students about digital literacy, I am able to give them tools to use in addition to information and group discussions. Anything…

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Pros and Cons of Tik Tok

Pros and Cons of Tik Tok

Hey guys! In this post I am going to be discussing my experiences with editing using Tik Tok which I used to edit this (last) week’s video. Pros: I love that Tik Tok makes it super easy to delete clips immediately after filming. I also love that the app allows you to immediately see how your clips will flow together/transition while filming. Filming takes place on the app so I don’t need to use a lot of storage on my…

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Hour of Code

Hour of Code

On Monday I played Code Monkey on Hour of Code… It utilized block coding and the objective was to create a game where the monkey could jump over obstacles to reach the end and collect a star. I learned how to add sound effects and other sprites as well as placing events on a loop. I also changed the ‘jump’ function to activate by pressing the space bar rather than clicking the game screen. Here is a video of my…

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Pros and Cons of Using iMovie

Pros and Cons of Using iMovie

I decided that for this week’s and next week’s post I am going to film a day in the life and then compare the editing softwares I used. This week I used iMovie, which I have used for almost all my videos. Next week I will explore more of what TikTok has to offer. Of my experiences with iMovie, including this week, here’s a list of pros and cons… Pros: Pretty user friendly and easy to get started You can…

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