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Category: EDTC 300 Blog Posts

Life of a University Student

Life of a University Student

Well I managed to get this video done on time, but I’m working double my usual hours next week soooo hopefully I don’t fall behind in my classes again. Why is school so stressful this year? I’ve never had this problem before. Anyways, this week I decided to film an advice video for my imaginary viewers who may be entering university next fall. I listed ten things so I had to add text to my video when saying each one….

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“Don’t talk to strangers.”

“Don’t talk to strangers.”

Growing up, I received two different pieces of advice regarding cyber safety: Don’t talk to strangers, and Don’t send explicit photos online, it’s pornography and by distributing you could go to jail. While these are great pieces of advice (which we received every year in like one or two health classes), we were never told what our presence online SHOULD look like. Additionally, when youth are told things they shouldn’t do…they are probably going to do it. Scare tactics do…

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It’s been VERY hectic week.

It’s been VERY hectic week.

So, this is my post for last week. I really meant to get this up earlier buttttt last week was also the start of my internship (basically a sixth class). I didn’t realize how big the effect of adding a class AND consequently losing an entire homework day would be. Now that I’ve been living this hectic life for over a week now, I am hoping to finally get caught up over this weekend. Anyways, this week I watched a…

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Things Have Changed since Dial Up Internet

Things Have Changed since Dial Up Internet

Oh, dial up internet…I remember hearing this sound every time my mom wanted to use the internet to browse Facebook: Growing up on a farm it was almost impossible to find a wifi provider that actually worked. We finally found one that works most of the time in 2019, just before the pandemic hit and online learning commenced. Though I had an iPod and Kobo, I did not get a phone until I was 15, and I received my laptop…

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…my life is boring.

…my life is boring.

This week I wanted to change it up from my usual vlog. In fact, I filmed a vlog for this week but ditched it because my life is kinda boring and I usually do the same things everyday anyways. So because the vlog got trashed, I had to come up with a new video to film. So what was this idea I came up with? According to this article by Vogue and my personal YouTube exploration, “Get Ready with Me” videos…

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Using Canva and Loom for my Learning Project Week 3

Using Canva and Loom for my Learning Project Week 3

This week my focus was on making thumbnails for YouTube videos, and what a better way to show my learning than by doing a screencast! I decided to download Loom onto my laptop and now when I wish to record my screen, I can click the little button at the top of my screen (which I circled in red).  Clicking this button will open a menu where you can choose if you want to have your camera on or off…

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My First “Day in the Life”

My First “Day in the Life”

After filming my first video I have learned that even a one minute video takes A LOT of work. This week I downloaded TikTok and followed the tutorial for using the app and creating content. For a first time app user it took a little playing around before I understood what all the effects and filters did, and how to record a voice over. Even though I would say for a first time video creator I was pretty successful, I…

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Why I Prefer Microsoft Word over Google Docs

Why I Prefer Microsoft Word over Google Docs

The online platform I spend the most time on (for academic purposes) is Microsoft Word. Yes, I prefer Word over Google Docs. I use Word to write my many university assignments with, the only exception being group assignments. Even I will admit Google Docs makes it a lot easier to collaborate with others when working on an assignment. But for every other aspect I prefer using Word, here are a few reasons: Most files my professors have created and uploaded…

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Capturing the Every Day

Capturing the Every Day

Welcome to my journey on learning to film and edit videos. I’m sure I’m not alone in having the unrealistic dream of becoming a YouTuber, and while I do not expect to create a career out of this project, I have always wanted to learn how to film and edit videos in an aesthetic way. I also think knowing how to film videos could be helpful as a teacher as I can create videos for my subs to play or…

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A Little About Me

A Little About Me

Hi! My name is Hailey Jorgensen and I am a third year education student. I am from small town Redvers, Saskatchewan. I have recently moved to Regina, but back home I have three younger siblings, two brothers (ages 16 and 8) and a sister (age 14), and three dogs. I love to read, my favourite genres in YA are contemporary, dystopian, and historical fiction. I also enjoy baking, and was designated as the household baker in elementary school. Even though…

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