That’s a Wrap!

That’s a Wrap!

If you’ve been reading my blogs, you’ll know that my learning project for the semester was filming and editing videos. I am in a huge YouTube vlogger phase, so I wanted to make my own. Here’s how my project went: Week 1: Capturing the Every Day I discussed wanting to film a “Day in the Life” once a week using Tik Tok (which I haven’t had until this project). I wanted to do more short form videos and specifically learn…

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And now the end is near – Summary of Learning

And now the end is near – Summary of Learning

Hey guys! Posted below is my summary of learning video. If you recall from my recent learning project post, Loom only allows five minutes of free filming per video, so I had to limit this video to exactly five minutes and it was very tough to talk about everything in such a short amount of time! I couldn’t film an outro, but just wanted to say that I’ve had a blast learning new things in this course and hearing about…

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AI < Good Education

AI < Good Education

For this week’s blog post, I decided to test out the program Tome. This AI tool gives layouts for various projects but can also generate entire presentations on various topics. In the video below, you can see the fruit fundraiser presentation it made for the imaginary school that I work at. How could this tool be used to enhance teaching? Could it aid in personalized learning, automate administrative tasks, or provide new ways of engaging students? Tome could be used…

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Lesson Plan Sharing with LOOM!

Lesson Plan Sharing with LOOM!

Because the end of the year is looming ahead, I thought it’d be fun to take a peek at the lesson plans I’ve created these past couple of years using Loom (see what I did there?). I’ve made a quick 2-Part video series posted below that gives you an overview of each lesson. Anyways, I went through and posted all of my lesson plans to my website so you can take a look at them and maybe save them for…

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P3.1 Patterns and Relations Mini Unit

P3.1 Patterns and Relations Mini Unit

*Note lesson 3 and 4 are not my own Outcome:  P3.1 Demonstrate understanding of increasing and decreasing patterns including: observing and describing • extending • comparing • creating patterns using manipulatives, pictures, sounds, and actions. Indicators:  (a) Identify and observe situations relevant to self, family, and community that contain an increasing or decreasing pattern, identify the starting value of the pattern, and describe the rule for the pattern and how the pattern would continue. (c) Observe various patterns (increasing or…

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Discrimination and Self Image

Discrimination and Self Image

Subject/Grade: Health    Lesson 6: How Discrimination Affects Your Self-Image Stage 1: Identify Desired Results Outcome: USC5.4 Analyse the connections between personal identity and personal well-being, and establish strategies to develop and support a positive self-image. (f) Express insights of the effects of stereotyping and discrimination on self and others. (i)Explore and describe what one can think, say, and do to develop and/or support a positive self-image in both self and others (e.g., recognize and refrain from derogatory comments related…

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Stereotyping and Discrimination in Zootopia

Stereotyping and Discrimination in Zootopia

Subject: Health 5       Lesson: Stereotyping and Discrimination in Zootopia  Stage 1: Identify Desired Results Outcome: USC5.4 Analyse the connections between personal identity and personal well-being, and establish strategies to develop and support a positive self-image. d) Define stereotyping (i.e., a set of characteristics or a fixed idea considered to represent a particular kind of person), prejudice (i.e., preconceived negative or hostile views toward a person or group of persons based on ignorance and stereotyping), and discrimination (i.e.,…

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Food Advertisement Strategies

Food Advertisement Strategies

Subject/Grade: Grade 7 – Health           Lesson Title: Analyzing Food Advertisements                        Teacher: Stage 1: Identify Desired Results Outcome(s)/Indicator(s): USC7.5  Evaluate personal food choices and needs by applying accurate and current nutritional knowledge. d) Analyze persuasion, propaganda, and other techniques (e.g., loaded words, unsubstantiated claims) used by individuals or organizations to influence judgement about what foods are healthy and what foods to purchase. Key Understandings: (‘I…

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Math Operations BINGO

Math Operations BINGO

Rules: Our game is an adaptation of BINGO. Each player will be given a BINGO card with numbers 0 to 30 placed randomly on it and a pile of chips to cover the numbers that have been called. The teacher will randomly pull out number operation questions, like “2+3” and “7-4”, and students will then cover up the sum/difference (ex. 5 and 3) with their chips. The first one with any line wins a point. You could also play multiple…

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There, Their, and They’re Mini Lesson

There, Their, and They’re Mini Lesson

Explain:  -they’re is a contraction for they are. It usually refers to a group of people.  -their shows ownership of something. I drew a person on the ‘i’ to help you remember this.  -there usually shows location (a clue is you can place it here or there) but is also used as the default ex. “Shoes belong over there (location)” vs. “There are people eating at Boston Pizza.” Offer Examples: list off examples  –what are they doing? They’re watching tv …

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