In continuation of chapter 1.3, the second part of the chapter still remains to be learnt from this resource.
Previously I had learned the types of nouns known as jamid, mushtaq, and masdar. I had also learned how to identify such nouns and what are the rulings associated with them. The second part of the lesson focuses on identifying the types of fi’ls (verbs).
Below is the image of the second part of the lesson and please refer to section/chapter 1.3 of the resource above.
In terms of fi’l (verbs) there are four types that I had learned. This part of the lesson correlates to my previous lesson (refer to this blog post). The image below summarizes Arabic verbs taken from this website:
For this lesson I had focused on the first part of Arabic verbs which highlighted the four types of verbs:
- Madi (Past tense) which refers to actions done in the past. Example: kataba = he wrote
- Mudari’ (Present tense) refers to actions ocurring in the present moment. Example: yaktubu = he is writing or writes.
- Amr (Imperative) refers to verbs which command someone to do something. They are under the category of present tense. Example: uktub = write. This example is commanding the person to do something or in this case to read.
- Nahi (prohibitive) command which command someone to not do something. Words in this category must have a specific harf (particle) known as “Laam nahi” before the word. The harf is pronounced as “La” in a given example. Example: La taktub = Do not write. Here the person is prohibiting someone else from writing.
I had also viewed this resource prior to doing the exercise. it gives an overall idea of the lesson and reinforces the concepts learnt:
Amr – Command. meaning is “Write!”
La tadhhab:
Nahi – Do not go
Present Tense – “He drinks” or “He is drinking.”
Past Tense – Meaning “He opened.”
Amr – Command meaning “Listen!”