Ontologies, Epistemologies, and Axiologies That Underlie Assessment Experiences
In my exploration of assessment practices, ontological questions have led me to examine contrasting ideas within assessment. For instance, when considering the purpose of assessment, I have grappled this semester with whether it primarily serves as a means of quantifying objective outcomes or as a tool for understanding the subjective experiences of students.
One example of this is the comparison between traditional multiple-choice exams, which focus on measuring factual recall, with project-based assessments that allow students to demonstrate deeper understanding and application of knowledge. From my own perspective as a student, I really enjoy multiple choice exams because I am good with information recall. However, this semester I have been challenged to consider the benefits of less traditional, more understanding-based assessment practices. I have learned that as teachers, we cannot be assessing or instructing students a certain way solely because it was what worked for us students. We have to compare and contrast different methods, looking at how they benefit or hinder students in varying ways.
Epistemological inquiries have allowed me to observe how theoretical concepts manifest in real-world practice. For instance, when implementing formative assessment strategies in my classroom, such as peer feedback sessions or self-assessment checklists, I witnessed firsthand how these practices facilitated deeper learning and understanding among students. This process of self-reflection not only enhanced students’ metacognitive skills but also encouraged them to set personal learning goals and take proactive steps towards achieving them.
Axiological considerations have prompted me to evaluate the values inherent in assessment and make judgments about what is deemed valuable. For example, I have reflected on the importance of fairness and inclusivity in assessment practices and made conscious decisions to incorporate diverse assessment methods that cater to different learning styles and abilities during my pre-internship. Additionally, I have considered the value of authenticity in assessments by designing tasks that align with real-world scenarios and allow students to apply their learning in meaningful contexts.
By integrating these philosophical perspectives into my approach to assessment, I am working towards developing a more comprehensive understanding of assessment practices and their implications for student learning. I will continue to refine my assessment strategies to ensure they align with my educational values and promote meaningful learning experiences for all students.