Meaningful Ideas About Assessment
Embracing the Growth Mindset:
I have learned that assessment goes beyond simply measuring student performance. It is about understanding where students are in their learning journey and nurturing their growth and progress. I recognize the importance of instilling a growth mindset in my students, encouraging them to learn from their mistakes, take risks, set realistic goals, and persevere. As a student, I found myself constantly perpetuating the complete opposite: a fixed mindset. I believed that if I failed at something, I was automatically “bad” at that subject or topic. I did not realize that to fail is to learn; to improve; to grow. You just need to get back up and keep trying.
It is also essential to note that growth looks different for every student. Every individual begins at varying starting points and has unique goals. There is not one universal definition of “success.”

Authentic/Application-Based Assessment:
I have learned the value of authentic assessment, which requires tasks and activities that go beyond mere memorization and factual regurgitation. Instead, these assessments mirror real-world scenarios and require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students should be able to show they understand and can apply the knowledge they gathered in class, allowing for deeper cognition. Furthermore, by allowing students to draw connections to their lived experiences, assessments become meaningful and relevant.
Culturally Responsive Assessment:
I have gained an understanding of the importance of culturally responsive assessment practices. More often than not, assessments reflect traditional Eurocentric approaches and designs that favor standardized testing, language proficiency tests, and competitive individual assessment. These assessments focus entirely on outcome-based methods that disregard diversity of learning and progress.
To approach assessment from a more culturally responsive perspective, it is again important to emphasize growth and progress. Assessments should be adaptable and personalized, recognizing that students come from varying starting points and learn differently. Assessment should also allow students to connect their academic learning to their cultural experiences and daily life to add that level of relevance. Last, but not least, assessment should be free from bias and stereotypes, allowing all students to feel valued and respected. Teachers need to be checking themselves and their assessments to ensure there are no harmful narratives or cultural groups being favoured.
Note: There are many other elements to culturally responsive assessment. These are just the points that stuck with me most.
Assessment For, As, and Of Learning:
I have learned that assessment should not only evaluate outcomes but also facilitate learning. In my future teaching practice, I will utilize ongoing formative feedback and opportunities for self-regulation and reflection. By embracing assessment for, as, AND of learning, I hope to create a supportive environment where students feel empowered to take ownership of their learning journey. Prior to ECS 401, I did not understand the importance of formative and self assessment. I now realize that student growth cannot truly be supported without it.