Provide a brief summary of your understanding of the three learning theories introduced in the readings (behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism). How can you connect these learning theories with the models of curriculum (product, process, and praxis in particular) that we have discussed? What learning theories did you see reflected in your own schooling experiences?
Behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism are three common learning theories that provide varying ideas about how people best learn and acquire knowledge.
Behaviourism: A primary belief of Behaviourism is that “certain behavioural responses become associated in a mechanistic and invariant way with specific stimuli” (2.3 Objectivism and behaviourism). In other words, behaviours are wholly influenced by and are a product of external factors. Thus, in this sense, behaviour is measurable and observable. There is also an emphasis on shaping behaviour through positive and negative reinforcements or punishments to achieve specific outcomes. Behaviourism best connects with the product model of curriculum because, in this model, teachers expect students to achieve predetermined learning goals or behaviours. This is often done through explicit instruction, practice, and repetition, aiming to reinforce the learning. I experienced the Behaviourist theory of learning in elementary school when we would receive points for reading books. Once accumulated, students could redeem these points for rewards like candies or toys. There was also a field trip planned for the end of the year that we would only be able to attend if we gained over 25 points. In this instance, we were positively reinforced to read books and strengthen our literary skills. Continue reading “Blog Post 4 – Three Learning Theories”