Provide a brief summary of your understanding of the three learning theories introduced in the readings (behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism). How can you connect these learning theories with the models of curriculum (product, process, and praxis in particular) that we have discussed? What learning theories did you see reflected in your own schooling experiences?
Behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism are three common learning theories that provide varying ideas about how people best learn and acquire knowledge.
Behaviourism: A primary belief of Behaviourism is that “certain behavioural responses become associated in a mechanistic and invariant way with specific stimuli” (2.3 Objectivism and behaviourism). In other words, behaviours are wholly influenced by and are a product of external factors. Thus, in this sense, behaviour is measurable and observable. There is also an emphasis on shaping behaviour through positive and negative reinforcements or punishments to achieve specific outcomes. Behaviourism best connects with the product model of curriculum because, in this model, teachers expect students to achieve predetermined learning goals or behaviours. This is often done through explicit instruction, practice, and repetition, aiming to reinforce the learning. I experienced the Behaviourist theory of learning in elementary school when we would receive points for reading books. Once accumulated, students could redeem these points for rewards like candies or toys. There was also a field trip planned for the end of the year that we would only be able to attend if we gained over 25 points. In this instance, we were positively reinforced to read books and strengthen our literary skills.
Cognitivism: Cognitivism differs from Behaviourism in the sense that it focuses on the internal rather than the external. Cognitivism is concerned with individual mental processes and one’s levels of attention, memory, information processing, and problem-solving. Therefore, learning is based on how an individual “interprets and tries to make sense of the environment” (2.4 Cognitivism). The individual is engaged in the mental organization and restructuring of knowledge. This theory encourages learners to connect new information with their existing knowledge and participate in active learning and cognition. Cognitivism best relates to the Process model of curriculum. Like cognitivism, the process model focuses on the development of metacognitive skills and critical thinking. Additionally, the Process model depicts a dynamic learning process influenced by diverse student needs and interests. It recognizes that learning differs from student to student depending on their types of mental processing. I experienced the Cognitivism theory of learning in Grade 7 when we had to create small boats out of our own choice of materials. We then had a contest where we placed the vessels in a container filled with water. The teacher would stack pennies on the boats to see which could hold the most weight before sinking. In doing this activity, I was able to go through the processes of recognizing why or why not the boats were successful and how we could improve them. It allowed for more freedom, independence, and reflective learning.
Constructivism: Constructivism acknowledges “consciousness, free will and social influences on learning” (2.5 Constructivism). It recognizes that knowledge is subjective and shaped by the constantly changing world. Moreover, it allows learners to construct and attach meaning to knowledge rather than simply being fed information for assessment regurgitation. According to Constructivism, learning is achieved when previous knowledge is cognitively connected to new information. Such connections may occur through reflection, collaboration, and hands-on experimental learning. Constructivism reflects the Praxis model of curriculum because this model emphasizes the importance of transformational learning and deep understanding. Moreover, it encourages the application of knowledge to real-world contexts. I experienced the Constructivism theory of learning in a high school law class where we had to complete weekly journals on relevant news articles. We were instructed to connect the articles to what we were learning in class and reflect on the material. This assignment allowed us to make connections to the real world and develop a more nuanced understanding of the course material.
Looking back on my entire schooling experience, all three of these theories have been integrated into my learning. They have provided a diverse and comprehensive learning framework that has encompassed both skill building and knowledge application.
The above paragraphs draw from the following readings:
2.3 Objectivism and behaviourism – Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition – General (
2.4 Cognitivism – Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition – General (
2.5 Constructivism – Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition – General (
Hey Hayleigh,
I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week! I really liked how you separated each of the theories and provided quotes to help back up your knowledge.
I was reading your quote on behaviourism from this week’s article, and it sounded familiar, I actually quote the exact same excerpt in my blog post! I like how you give examples of behaviourism in a classroom setting. You say “There is also an emphasis on shaping behaviour through positive and negative reinforcements or punishments to achieve specific outcomes.” Teachers often implement this by adding reward systems which you also discuss. I think that your blog post thoroughly explains behaviourism in the classroom and I loved the use of quotes and examples.
Cognitivism we both explain as individuals trying to make sense of the world around them with the knowledge they already have. I like how you use an example that you experienced in your education and relate it to this foundation of learning. You stated after your example that this learning foundation provided you “It allowed for more freedom, independence, and reflective learning.” Would you implement an experience like this in your classroom when you become a teacher?
Lastly we talk about Constructivism; You state “According to Constructivism, learning is achieved when previous knowledge is cognitively connected to new information.” This is exactly how I would explain this foundation of learning. I again appreciated the example you related to your own learning, would you get students do do something like you did in law class for an assignment? did you feel it was beneficial to make these connections?