CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM: Will anyone understand this reference?

Ah, 1997. What a year. Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls won another championship, Clinton banned human cloning, and I was born… or cloned? I am 26 years old. Depending who you ask I am either the youngest Millennial or the oldest Gen Z. I am certainly the best of both worlds due to the fact that I understand memes and I can’t afford a house. Truly a blessing and a curse.

I grew up with technology. Definitely not to the degree that the youth of today do, but I had a smartphone at 14 years old, and even more importantly I learned the Alphabet from a CD-ROM CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM game I got in a box of Frosted Flakes when I was 5. If this makes me feel old, I can’t wait for how some of you reading this will feel. I do remember when it was a big deal that we went from having four desktop computers to laptop carts in my elementary school. This changed things. Really meaning that I could no longer sit in another room playing flash games while my teacher didn’t know. Now I had to play them while sitting in the same room as them and had to hide it. As I am getting a little older and my career is progressing, I am really noticing that the devices, platforms, and programs are changing. I feel that now the amount of different choices educators can pick from is almost overwhelming.

Side note: In class the other day I said students could write their answers to a project in either word or a google doc. They didn’t know what Microsoft word was. Then I remember these kids are younger than the Nintendo Wii and I listened to somber music over my prep. Again, sorry if I’m younger than you and you don’t understand that. Gen Z, baby.

While the choices are numerous, has the reason for/use of technology changed in anyway at all when it comes to education? The baby Greg of the past used cartoonish, singing alphabet caricatures to understand the basics of the English language (this explains so much). Now as (allegedly) an adult, I sometimes use an app with a fun little green owl who teaches me the basics of the French Language (other language learning apps are available). The point is technology, no matter how primitive or advanced can be used to either teach someone or offer them the ability to express their learnings in a variety of different ways. Ex. Instead of having a student draw a picture to represent what they learned from something, they could build something in Minecraft to represent it. Different methods, same point/effect. The creativity piece is huge with technology (insert point about creativity being on a higher plane of intelligence. Check.) it allows for so many different ways to accomplish goals and inspire creativity. Teachers could really open it up so that students have the ability to use technology in anyway that allows them to still showcases their learnings. This can really lean into the strengths and interests of students.

Clark states, “the utility of this knowledge is largely economic. The designer can and must choose the less expensive and most cognitively efficient way to represent and deliver instruction (1994:22). My first thought to this is, ” how lame can your late twentieth- century, capitalist mindset be?” and then I remember I can’t afford a house so what do I know?

The reality is now that times have changed and things are way more accessible than they ever have been. Are there still barriers? You bet there are, but everything has exploded since 1994. when I was a kid I do remember teachers talking about how expensive everything was when it came to all our fancy new toys (desktop computers). ’94 was a different time and the analyzing and study of education has also dramatically shifted. Things are still expensive, but more funding has been put into place in many divisions to be able to offer students resources to be able to learn in different mediums and represent their learnings. Heck when it came to online learning during the pandemic, (I’m speaking solely from my classes and will not make assumptions about others) we were able to transition to online easily as everybody already had technology. A basic phone or laptop was enough. Yes, it is still expensive. However, at the same time it is closer to us in everyway than ever before (he says from his warm apartment, on his laptop provided to him from his school division).

In terms of a contemporary definition of education, I still think it fits the same bill that it could have potentially had in early days. Technology offers students the ability to learn in different ways and showcases this learning in different ways. A tool for showing and telling (I guess in Ed it would be telling first then showing, or I guess a combo,  but you get it). It is just now that there are about 1000 times different ways to do this. Which honestly can make things more complicated. What is best? What could work better? How does the cloud work? Who actually uses BING as a search engine? Unanswerable questions. It does really come down to a trial and error, research, and practice of what one educator might like compared to the next. Some may argue that we should go back to the old school way of doing things to complicate things less. Maybe that method of lecture is what complicates things and discourages creativity and creates bland people later in life with no taste for innovation? That is a different topic for another time.

Thanks for reading my seriously unserious work. I’m off to find a CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM emulator.

One thought on “CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM: Will anyone understand this reference?

  1. I like the sounds of this baby Greg character and especially connect with somber music to match my emotional state. And I echo the idea that our technology in a way shapes and molds the way we see the world. A truly fascinating thought! I often would make pokemon references when discusses radical functions and making a connection between a radicand and a raticate… one is an index, and one is a second evolution pokemon.. no one laughed and no one cared, and my heart was broken. Hope was restored when Pokemon Go was launched in 2016 and blew up again in 2020 to make these names more common once again 🙂

    Lastly, as it is an ever growing world of tech, I do think it is important to connect with the heart of students about technology because it will never be the same experience for an adult teacher as it was for a kid. At least, we can walk along in these cases and add our own experiences in hopes of making connections in this process.

    Thanks for sharing!

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