How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense’? What commonsense understandings of curriculum and pedagogy do you bring with you into this course?

     Defining common sense relies on understanding limitations and the power of socialization. Kumashiro describes the influence of culture and location towards socialized normalcy of way of life. Within schools, however, Kumashiro defines common sense as a social expectation; According to Kumashiro, “[common sense] tells us that this and only this is what schools should be doing” (XXXV).

     Paying attention to common sense allows comprehension of social bias and diverse familiarity. Ignorance of the variation of common sense produces unintentional oppression. Oppressive values influence and disregard previously formed social structures. With acknowledgement and critical thinking, as future teachers, we can become adaptable to meet the needs of our students rather than conforming to the common sense social structure that has engaged our society. 

     The common sense understanding of curriculum and pedagogy that I obtain reflects experiences throughout my life. I understand curriculum as prescribed learning objectives to be completed within the school term to engage students in a societally accepted level of education. I comprehend pedagogy as a teacher influenced the form of meeting course objectives. Now that I understand the types of learners and different approaches to teaching, I can begin to conceptualize my future pedagogical values.